Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Braves 10, Blue Jays 8

Amateur baseball games tend to be lost rather than won.
  • Throw strikes, make the routine plays, don't strike out - and you'll win more than your share.  
  • Walk people, commit errors, and strike out a lot - and you can lose to anybody.  
The latter has been uncharacteristic of the Blue Jays.  But it happened on Sunday, May 2 at Fleming Park.

There were individual performances that were worthy of praise.  For example, the coaches thought the Blue Jays' catchers, led by Seamus Bain, played their best baseball of the season.

Unfortunately, those stories were too few and far between.  Despite putting the ball in play just five times, the Braves went home with a 10-8 victory.  The Blue Jays walked nine, hit three batters and allowed a run on a costly catcher's interference violation that was 100% the fault of the head coach.  Two additional fielding errors at crucial moments didn't help.

In another cruel twist, the Blue Jays' previously hot bats suddenly cooled off.  After collecting double digit hits in both of their first two games, the Blue Jays managed just five hits in the game with the Braves.  

In fairness to the players, how much of a "loss" this really was is a matter of interpretation.  After all, the Blue Jays were the team that completed three outs in the field in every inning.  The Braves were bailed out by the 5-run rule with the bases loaded and just one out in the top of the third.

Nevertheless, the final score remains 10-8 in favor of the Braves.

Batting & Fielding

6 Reto Lamparter
  • 1 for 1, BB, Run, 2 RBI
  • quietly putting together a strong season at the plate

2 Seamus Bain
  • 1 for 1, BB, Run, 2 RBI
  • moved to 2B on an error after crushing a 2-run single

9 Peter Herdman
  • 1 for 1, Walk, 2 Runs
  • 2-run single was a team highlight on offense

3 Noah Solovey
  • 0 for 0, Walk, HBP
  • demonstrated much improved plate discipline

1 Cuyler Towne
  • 1 for 2, 2B, 1 Run, 3 RBI
  • 3-run double ranked among the top hits of the season

5 Casper Larosch
  • 1 for 2, RBI

8 Sebastian Bloomberg
  • 0 for 1, Walk, Run

4 Brody Gottfried
  • 0 for 1, Walk

10 Brendan Wang
  • 0 for 1, HBP

11 Vinny Guo
  • 0 for 1, Walk

12 Konnor Huang
  • 0 for 2, FC

7 Henry Goldstein
  • 0 for 2

11 Vinny Guo
  • 0.1 IP, 4 Runs, 2 Hits, 3 BB, 1 HBP

12 Konnor Huang
  • 1.2 IP, 0 Runs, 0 Hits, O BB, 5 K
  • five batters, five Ks

9 Peter Herdman
  • 0.2 IP, 2 Runs, 0 Hits, 4 BB, 1 HBP, 2 K
  • outstanding strikeout rate in first 2 career outings

8 Sebastian Bloomberg
  • 0.2 IP, 4 Runs, 2 Hits, 2 BB, 1 HBP, 1 K

1 Cuyler Towne

  • 0.2 IP, 0 Runs, 0 Hits, 0 BB, 2 K
  • vastly improved top-half mechanics and results after 2 weeks of work

Bigger Challenge Ahead

The Blue Jays remain a good but young team for its current level of play.  We expect a focused group of players seeking a bounceback performance this week.

We might need it.  When we last saw the White Sox (Tejral), they were the Nationals, and they were old, big, and good.

Coach Steve

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