Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Blue Jays 13, White Sox 3


The Blue Jays bounced back from their worst game of the season with renewed focus and discipline.  Turning in what might have been the best defensive performance in team history, the Blue Jays put a 13-3 drubbing on a talented White Sox team on Sunday, May 9, at Fleming Park.

Let's review the formula for winning (or not losing) amateur baseball games.
  1. Don't walk people
  2. Make the routine plays in the field
  3. Don't strike out; force the other team to play defense
Strikeouts actually favored the White Sox, 11-10.  The White Sox also matched the Blue Jays with six total hits.

But the Blue Jays dominated on the mound and in the field, allowing only four walks and committing just one error.  The White Sox gave themselves no chance, tallying 14 walks and committing no fewer than six errors including two multi-error plays that handed the Blue Jays easy runs.

The formula didn't change in the last week.  The Blue Jays' focus and execution did!

Batting & Fielding

5 Casper Larosch
  • 1 assist (5-3) at 3B on tough dribbler
  • ended game with a shoestring catch (7F)
  • 0 for 3, Walk, RBI

11 Vinny Guo
  • 1 unassisted put-out (3G)
  • 1 assisted put-out at 1B
  • 1 for 2, 2 Walks, 2 RBI

3 Noah Solovey
  • held runners to singles on well hit balls to LF; prevented at least 2 runs from scoring
  • 0 for 2, Walk, SB, Run

8 Sebastian Bloomberg
  • 2 assists (1-3, 6-3)
  • 1 unassisted put-out (1F)
  • 2 for 3, FC, Walk, 3 Runs

2 Seamus Bain
  • excellent target & framing at catcher in 5th & 6th innings
  • 0 for 2, 2 Walks, 1 Run, 2 RBI

12 Konnor Huang
  • 3 assisted put-outs at 1B
  • 1 assist (1-3)
  • 2 for 3, (2) 3B, Walk, 3 Runs, 3 RBI

1 Cuyler Towne
  • 2 for 3, (2) 2B, FC, Walk, 2 Runs, 3 RBI

7 Henry Goldstein
  • 0 for 1, 2 Walks, 2 Runs

9 Peter Herdman
  • 0 for 2, 2 Walks, Run

4 Brody Gottfried
  • 0 for 2, Walk

8 Sebastian Bloomberg
  • 2 IP, 0 Runs, 1 Hit, 0 BB, 3 K

12 Konnor Huang
  • 2 IP, 0 Runs, 0 Hits, 1 BB, 4 K

11 Vinny Guo
  • 2 IP, 3 Runs, 5 Hits, 3 BB, 4 K
Halfway Mark

The new additions meshed well with the longtime Blue Jays in the season's first half.

The remaining schedule features three rematches.  Up first, however, is a game Sunday, May 16, with the Giants (Locaria), a team about which we know nothing.  Let's get back to practice on Friday and be ready to play!

Coach Steve

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