Saturday, May 1, 2021

Blue Jays 14, Nationals 5

Managing to get two teams, an umpire, and a field together for a make-up game is no easy task.  For that reason, simply playing the game with the Nationals (Gertner) at Avenel Park on Friday, April 30, should be considered a win!  Under threatening skies, the Blue Jays claimed a windblown 14-5 decision.

Stats and selected notes from the coach are below.  The Blue Jays completed two put-outs in the field in this one, an unassisted force play on a grounder to 3rd base by Casper Larosch and a beautiful 6-3 assisted put-out on a groundball to shortstop Sebastian Bloomberg who threw to 1st baseman Konnor Huang.


Clark Roggie
  • 3 for 3, 2 Runs, 3 RBI

Henry Goldstein
  • 2 for 2, RBI

Brody Gottfried
  • 1 for 1, Walk, Run, RBI

Konnor Huang
  • 1 for 1, Walk, HBP, 3 Runs, RBI

Brendan Wang
  • 0 for 0, 2 Walks, HBP, Run

Sebastian Bloomberg
  • 2 for 3, FC, 2 Runs

Reto Lamparter
  • 1 for 2, FC, Run, 2 RBI

Casper Larosch
  • 1 for 2, Walk, RBI

Peter Herdman
  • 1 for 3, Run, 2 RBI

Vinny Guo
  • 0 for 1, 2 Walks, Run, 2 RBI

Seamus Bain
  • 0 for 1, 2 Walks, Run, RBI

Cuyler Towne
  • 0 for 2, Walk, Run

Noah Solovey
  • 0 for 2

Peter Herdman
  • First time in-game pitcher - awesome!
  • 1 IP, 0 Runs, 0 Hits, 3 Walks, 3 K

Vinny Guo
  • 1 IP, 0 Runs, 1 Hit, 1 Walk, 1 HBP, 2 K

Sebastian Bloomberg
  • Best career outing to date!
  • 1 IP, 0 Runs, 0 Hits, 0 Walks/HBP, 3 K

Clark Roggie
  • Has had and will have better days!
  • 0.2 IP, 5 Runs, 1 Hit, 6 Walks, 1 HBP, 1K

Brendan Wang
  • Shut the door in the top of the 4th!
  • 0.1 IP, 0 Runs, 0 Hits, 0 Walks, 1 K
Quick Turnaround!

The Blue Jays don't get much time to celebrate Friday's victory.  They're already looking ahead to Sunday's match-up with a familiar foe, the Braves.

Coach Steve

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