Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Blue Jays 14, Mets 4

The Blue Jays set a high bar for the 2021 season with a thorough deconstruction of the Mets (Levine) Sunday, April 18, at Fleming Park.  The final score - Blue Jays 14, Mets 4 - merely scratches the surface of the Blue Jays' exploits!

Statistics and highlights from the coach's notebook are below for each player. Fielding stats were sparse thanks to the pitching staff's strikeout stuff!  The Jays made exactly one out in the field, a 6-3 groundout from Sebastian Bloomberg to Reto Lamparter in the top of the fifth. 

Thanks to William Guo for keeping score!


8 Sebastian Bloomberg

  • 1 for 2, BB, FC, 2 Runs, RBI

1 Cuyler Towne
  • 2 for 3, 2 Runs, 2 RBI

12 Konnor Huang
  • 3 for 3, 2B, 3 Runs, 2 RBI

9 Peter Herdman
  • 2 for 3, 2B, FC, 2 RBI

10 Brendan Wang
  • 0 for 0, 2 BB, HBP, Run

7 Henry Goldstein
  • BB, RBI

5 Casper Larosch
  • 1B, Run, RBI

4 Brody Gottfried
  • 2 BB, Run, RBI

11 Vinny Guo
  • 1 for 1, BB, Run, RBI

2 Seamus Bain
  • 0 for 0, 2 BB (no surprise - look at the catcher!), Run, RBI

3 Noah Solovey
  • BB, Run, RBI

6 Reto Lamparter
  • 0 for 0, 2 BB, 2 Runs, RBI

8 Sebastian Bloomberg
  • 2 IP, 0 Runs, 0 Hits, 4 BB, 1 HBP, 6 K

12 Konnor Huang
  • 2 IP, 0 Runs, 1 Hit, 0 BB, 6 K

1 Cuyler Towne
  • 1st career pitching appearance!
  • 1 IP, 3 Hits, 3 BB, 2 K

Great start, Blue Jays!  Let's do it again next week!

Coach Steve

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