Monday, October 18, 2010

Blue Jays Roar in game with Tigers!

The Blue Jays and the Tigers treated spectators to a fun and exciting game Sunday, October 17 at Westbrook Elementary School. These two very evenly matched teams were ferocious competitors during the game and terrific sports afterward.

It's a good thing that we all had so much fun. We play the same team again this week!

October 17 Game Report

The Blue Jays were warmed up, lined up, and ready to go!

Fortunately, birthday boy Justin Conner occupied the lead-off spot in the batting order! Justin celebrated his seven years on earth with a rocket shot to right field! He rocked another scorcher to the outfield in the second inning. This guy gets better with age!

Justin contributed mightily to a fine defensive performance, as well. Playing at left shortstop in the first inning, Justin snatched a bouncing grounder and outran the runner to 3rd base for an unassisted force out. Justin also played very well at 2nd base in the third inning.

After warming up with the help of his friend, Maggie, Michael Hardie put his glove to good use in the first inning. Lined up at right pitcher's helper, Michael added two fantastic assisted put-outs to his already impressive fielding resume. In both cases, Michael scooped up grounders, paused to look for George Roggie's target at 1st base, and delivered wonderfully accurate throws to get the out!

Michael continued to wield the aluminum with authority. He blistered hits up the middle and to the left shortstop. Michael continues to be a reliable RBI machine for the Blue Jays!

George Roggie's line drive to left field helped the Blue Jays get off to a great start in the first inning. Above, George gets ready to run at 1st base after collecting a single in the second inning. George scored two big runs for his team!

Catching is George's favorite part of baseball. It doesn't take Encyclopedia Brown to figure out why! In the game with the Tigers, George contributed to four put-outs in the infield. He caught two perfect Michael Hardie throws for outs at 1st base in the first inning. Above, George stretches at 3rd base and catches the throw from Jake Schuman for a spectacular force out. For good measure, George added an unassisted force out at 3rd base in the final inning.

Sam Berman was fantastic in the the field for a second consecutive game. Sam gets outs because he pays attention, understands where to throw the ball, and delivers accurate throws to his teammates. That was exactly the recipe he used in the second inning to make one of the best plays you'll see at any level. He fielded a tough hit at left pitcher's helper and threw a perfect dart to Braden Poon at 1st base for a close, gorgeous put-out! In the third inning, Sam added another unassisted put-out.

Sam's terrific hits allowed him to spend ample time running the bases in the game with the Tigers. His line drive double to right field in the first inning let everybody know that he meant business! He followed it up with a liner and a sharp grounder to right center field in his other two trips to the plate.

Ava Curley contributed to the Blue Jays' power surge in the first inning. The boys found themselves looking up when Ava blasted a high fly ball to left field. She, too, added two more great hits and demonstrated blazing speed on the base paths!

Above, Ava prepares to put her wheels in motion at 1st base. Ava's power and consistency with the bat added a spark to the Blue Jays' already formidable offense. She also worked hard to chase down well hit balls in the field.

Ethan Yu was a frequent base runner in the game with the Tigers. Ethan's hitting progressed by leaps and bounds this week. He did a great job watching the ball, extending his arms, and putting the bat on the ball! Ethan blasted one grounder to center field and two more to the right side of the infield. He reached 1st base safely and scored in each of his three trips to the plate.

In the field, Ethan did a great job at right shortstop in the first inning and at 2nd base in the second inning. He consistently moves his feet so that he can stop grounders that come anywhere near him. He's also making great progress with his throwing accuracy. This guy is a player!

Above, John Wyatt pays close attention to the batter from the right pitcher's helper position. It is there that John nabbed a bouncing ground ball and delivered a terrific throw to Sam Berman at 1st base. In the first inning, John cleanly fielded a rolling grounder at 3rd base.

Here, John chugs toward home to score a run for the Blue Jays. We suggest that you not get in this guy's way when he has a full head of steam! John hit the ball very hard in all three trips to the plate. He chopped grounders to the right side of the infield that allowed his teammates to score runs. John is a great team player!

Suzanne Pearl's contributions in Sunday's game included a pretty smile, a keen sense of game day fashion, and the three hits that she clobbered past the opponent's infield! Don't let Suzanne's sunny disposition and pink pants fool you. They can't mask the slugger that lies within!

The undisputed Queen of the Run Batted In, Suzanne concluded each inning with a memorable blast and a determined sprint. Above, Suzanne attacks the base path on her way to 1st base in the final inning.

William Amorosi's penchant for reaching 1st base safely proved to be shrug-worthy. Another player who seems to improve his hitting every week, William enjoyed a 3-for-3 day in the game with the Tigers. Hitting second in the batting order, William did a great job setting his team up for three very productive offensive innings.

Above, William does a great job covering 2nd base in the first inning. William took one for the team, hitting the deck and grabbing a tough ground ball in an effort to get an unassisted force out. We're proud of William for trying hard and doing his best!

Braden Poon enhanced his reputation as a defensive wizard in the game with the Tigers. He provided a great target and caught a guided missile from Sam Berman to make an assisted put-out at 1st base in the second inning. He handled the second out of the inning all by himself, fielding a grounder and stepping on 1st base for the out.

Braden distributed hits to myriad locations in the infield and the outfield. His line drive to right center field was particularly impressive. His grounder up the middle appeared to leave a trail of smoke through center field. Above, Braden, pays close attention to the batter as he prepares to run home and score once again!

In a brief but inspired pregame speech, Jeremy Robertson correctly surmised that, "The most important thing is to have fun." He then went about doing exactly that, collecting two great hits and multiple RBI along the way. Jeremy required very few pitches to put the ball in play. He's another Blue Jay who should be congratulated for improving his skills in a very brief period of time.

It was clear from the very first day of practice that Jeremy has a nuclear-powered right arm. He's working hard and learning how to use it. His throws are becoming more accurate every week. Jeremy is also doing a very good job listening, paying attention, and moving his feet to field ground balls.

Jake Schuman blistered two ground balls through the middle of the infield and delivered a hard shot to the right shortstop in his three at-bats. Another reliable run producer, Jake enjoyed helping his teammates score runs.

His long stride and heads-up base running allowed Jake to score some runs of his own, as well. Above, Jake appears to be appropriately pleased to have reached 1st base safely. Jake also collected a valuable assist in the field, nabbing a grounder at left pitcher's helper and delivering a good throw to George Roggie at 3rd base for a force out in the third inning.

A Really Good Game

The Blue Jays and the Tigers congratulated one another after a fun, competitive game. In fact, we had so much fun playing the Tigers that we're going to do it again this Sunday!


Thank you to Kevin Conner for doing a typically outstanding job coaching 1st base.

Thanks also to Shari Schuman for providing guidance and counsel at 3rd base.

Thanks to Tom Yu for taking a turn at catcher this week. His performance behind the plate convinced us that he could suit up and play at a very high level!

Thanks to the Robertson Family and the Hardie Family for providing the postgame snacks and drinks, respectively. We also want to thank Torsdon Poon and Jonathan Schuman for helping Sarah manage the batting order.

Great game, Blue Jays!

We'll see you all next week for our final practice and game of the fall season!

Coach Steve

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