Saturday, October 16, 2010

Blue Jays Prepare to Take On Tigers!

They played. They hit. They fielded and they caught fly balls! Seven Blue Jays showed great improvement as they prepared for the first of back-to-back games against the Tigers.

Because of an early season rain out, the Blue Jays will play the Tigers two weeks in a row.

In the Field

Jake Schuman looks like he's ready to play. Jake fielded many grounders and made solid throws to first base. His mitt looks dark in the photo above but he has a golden glove.

George Roggie made a lot of great catches playing first base including this one that brought him to his knees. He moved well to grab the ball and step on the base.

George also made some excellent throws after stopping hard hit grounders. On one particular throw, George waited for the player at first base to get ready and then threw the ball into the players glove like a guided missile. Beautifully done, George!

Suzanne Pearl is playing really well. As usual, she fielded grounders fearlessly and made strong and accurate throws to first base.

Suzanne caught two fly balls in the pop- up drill! Go Suzanne!

Ethan Yu came to practice ready to play. He was a force in the field and at the plate.

This was a particularly tough grounder but Ethan put his body in front of the ball and stopped it.

He then made a super throw to first base. Let's do this again tomorrow!

Ava Curley knows how to stop the ball with her body. Ava might have bruised her leg and shoulder but she stopped some hard grounders by keeping the ball in front of her. She's quick and determined. Way to go Ava!

In this photo, Sam Berman is prepared to make a double play! Inspired by the Blue Jays' 15 put outs in the last game, Coach Steve instructed Sam to practice throwing to 2nd base to put the double play into motion. Sam made it look easy! Great hustle Sam!

Another highlight worth mentioning was Sam's diving, rolling, sliding catch during the pop fly drill. Again great hustle!

William Amorosi played every position. He fielded grounders and made accurate throws.

For the second time, William caught two fly balls in the pop fly drill! William is ready to play the Tigers!

At Bat

William beat Coach Steve to practice and came out swinging! His smooth stroke sent some terrific hits bounding through the Whitman High School infield.

As lead off batter, William paved the way for his teammates. He hit several hard grounders that kicked up some serious dust!

George Roggie's hits filled the sky. George hit several line drives including a couple to the outfield! Go George!

Sam Berman gave the catcher a break. He hit every pitch Coach Steve could throw across the plate... even some that were less than perfect. Sam slammed several to right field making his teammates run & run. Thanks for giving the Blue Jays a chance to practice their long throws Sam!

Suzanne Pearl swung a solid bat. After she told Coach Steve where she likes her pitches, Suzanne belted some terrific hits up the middle. Her final hit of the day was a crushing blow to the right shortstop that allowed Suzanne to reach first base safely!

Ava Curley got on a hot streak at the plate. Time after time, the ball sailed past Coach Steve. Thanks for the fielding practice Ava!

Ethan had his best day at the plate. He demonstrated a beautiful swing that produced great results! Ethan clobbered multiple hits to the right side of the infield. Later, he pulled the ball to the left side. Great work, Ethan!

Family Support

Thank you to Jonathan Schuman for playing catcher.

And thanks to Natalie Pearl for her awesome enthusiasm and cheers.

And a big thank you to Coach Steve's knee for making a quick recovery after momentarily collapsing. Yikes!

Thank you in advance to the Robertson Family and Hardie Family for the post-game snacks & drinks. See you at 3:30 at Westbrook Elementary for a great game with the Tigers!

Go Blue Jays!


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