Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Blue Jays turn the Page

The Blue Jays ended the fall 2018 season with a look to the future and a nod to the past.

Following a promising machine-pitch dress rehearsal on Friday, the team wrapped up the coach-pitch era with a fun and exciting game with the Rockies on Sunday, October 21, at Grosvenor Center.

The opponent kept fielders on their toes with an all-or-nothing approach to hitting that proved effective with no possibility of striking out.

Still, the Blue Jays recorded nine put-outs and had several impressive near misses in three innings of quality work.

October 21 Game Report

Jacob Carle is looking forward to machine-pitch baseball.  In Friday's scrimmage, he delivered a 3-for-3 performance from the leadoff spot.  He followed that effort in Sunday's game with a single up the middle in the first, an RBI fielder's choice in the second, and an infield hit in the third.

Jacob recorded the Blue Jays' first out when he ranged to his right from the left pitcher's helper spot and beat the runner to the 3rd base bag for an unassisted force play.  Playing at 1st base in the bottom of the second, Jacob had a role in four outs - an unassisted groundball force play and three assisted put-outs on throws from the pitcher's helpers.

Heeding the advice of Coach Delgado, Adam Farber changed his grip on the bat and ripped a double to the lip of the outfield grass in right center in the top of the third.  His RBI double in the first and base hit grounder up the middle in the second gave Adam five total bases in his final coach-pitch game.

Fearlessness is Adam's calling card at third base.  Manning the hot corner in the bottom of the first inning, he did not hesitate to use his body to knock down a well hit grounder.  The Blue Jays benefitted from Adam's bravery when he picked up the ball and stepped on the bag at third to complete an unassisted force play.

Dominic Delgado crushed a double to center field that gave the Blue Jays back-to-back extra base hits in the top of the first inning.  His groundball single up the middle probably would've been a double had it not made contact with the opposing pitcher's helper.  In the top of the third, Dominic lined a shot that landed in the grass and rolled about 170 feet into center field for his second double of the day.

Dominic alertly positioned himself at the 2nd base bag, caught a throw from a teammate, and tagged out a runner who was trying to stretch an infield single into a double in the bottom of the second inning.  He caught a ball at 1st base for a routine put-out in the second.  In the game's final inning, Dominic made five outstanding stops and earned an infield assist at left pitcher's helper.

Josh Porter reached safely in each trip to the plate.  Above, he prepares to chop a groundball single to the left shortstop in the top of the second.  Josh also chipped in with a roller to the left side in the first and a base hit grounder beyond the right pitcher's helper in the third.

Josh initiated one of the Blue Jays' more improbable outs of the season in the bottom of the second inning.  Playing at 3rd base, he fielded a grounder and noticed that the batter had rounded first and was attempting to advance to second.  Having none of it, Josh threw to the 2nd baseman who applied the tag and completed the 5-4 put-out!  Later, Josh fielded a grounder and executed a force play at 3rd that was more routine but no less important.

Noah Solovey pulled a groundball to 3rd base for a single in the top of the first.  Above, he makes contact and delivers a well hit ball to the right shortstop in the second.  In his final plate appearance, Noah bounced a grounder beyond the left shortstop for a clean base hit that gave him a 3-for-3 batting line for the day.

Noah's play in the outfield progressed nicely this year.  Above, he stands ready in right field, where he moved to his left, fielded a well hit ball between his two feet, and turned and threw accurately to the 1st baseman.  By quickly getting the ball back into the hands of an infielder, Noah prevented an extra base hit.

Niara Gupta relaxed and had fun in the game with the Rockies after enduring the pressure of playing against her brother's team in Friday's scrimmage.  Above, Niara sends a groundball to 3rd base for a single in the top of the first.  She subsequently added another single to her batting line with a grounder to the left side in the third inning.

In the photo above, Niara contributes one of the Blue Jays' better defensive highlights of the year.  Playing at right shortstop, she fielded a well hit grounder in the bottom of the first.  Here, she turns just before she tags out the runner who was advancing to 2nd base!  Niara also made an outstanding play in left field, putting her body in front of a very well hit ball, making a quick stop, and firing the ball back to the infield to hold the batter to a single on an excellent hit.

Milen Hukmani learned that timing slow pitches from a coach requires an adjustment when you're accustomed to hitting against the machine.  After belting two big-time hits in Friday's scrimmage, Milen was out ahead and produced a tapper to the left side for a base hit in his first at bat on Sunday.  He then adapted to the "change-ups" and knocked a single up the middle in the second and a blast to right field for a double in the third.

Having worked on his throwing throughout the fall season, Milen saw his effort pay off in the bottom of the second.  Playing deep at right pitcher's helper, he fielded a searing one-hopper between his two feet and delivered an accurate and authoritative throw to 1st base for an infield assist.  Playing at 1st base in the bottom of the third, Milen caught an excellent throw from the left pitcher's helper to complete the Blue Jays' final put-out of the coach-pitch era!

Batting in the leadoff spot, Henry Goldstein kept his positive momentum going at the plate.  Above, he squares up an offering from Coach Delgado and delivers a shot up the middle in the top of the first.  Getting the Blue Jays off to a great start in each inning, Henry delivered a hard bouncer beyond the left shortstop in the second and a hot single up the middle in the third.

A heady and aggressive player in the field, Henry impressed the coaches with his effort at right shortstop in the bottom of the first inning.  An opposing batter delivered a tomahawk shot that deflected off of the pitcher.  Not waiting for others to make the play, Henry charged and fielded the ball between his two feet.  The 50 foot base paths did not allow sufficient time to make the out, but Henry's play demonstrated the approach that will serve the Blue Jays well on the larger machine-pitch infield.

Brody Gottfried attended every optional machine-pitch batting practice in August.  He was rewarded with his first base hit versus the machine at Friday's scrimmage!  On Sunday, Brody wrote the final chapter of his coach-pitch career with a single past the right pitcher's helper in the second and a high pop-up that found a hole for a base hit in the third.  We were also impressed with the way that Brody ran through the base at 1st, just as he had been taught!

Brody endured one of those lonely days in the field that can happen in baseball - the ball never found him.  Above, he stands ready at right pitcher's helper in the bottom of the first inning.  Playing at 3rd base in the bottom of the third, Brody worked hard to cover the bag when the ball was hit to teammates in the infield.

The head coach is a tough critic when it comes to Clark Roggie's swing.  That said, many good things are happening in the photo above - head on the ball, hands in, weight back, shoulders square.  It's no accident that Clark hit seven doubles in his last nine coach-pitch plate appearances.  On Sunday, he doubled to center field in the first, hit a ball in the air to the grass in center field for a double in the second, and crushed a liner to right center that would've resulted in at least a triple if we had allowed him to continue to run.

Clark elevated his defensive play in the game with the Rockies.  He covered 2nd base and nearly caught a tough throw for an improbable out in the bottom of the first.  Playing at left pitcher's helper in the second, Clark ranged to his right, fielded a grounder, wheeled and threw an accurate dart to 1st base that just beat the runner and gave the Blue Jays their second out of the inning.

Coach Weinstein's Rockies showed up and played well on a chilly and windy day.  This is the type of team that we hope to see again somewhere down the road.

Thanks, Coaches!

Coach Eric Delgado did it all for these kids throughout the fall season.  Thank you, Eric, for all that you do for the Blue Jays!

Darren Farber shared wisdom with base runners from the 3rd base coaching box.

Eric Carle reprised his role as 1st base coach.

Navin Hukmani helped with warm-ups and took a turn as a base coach.

Shivani Gupta brought the cupcakes.

A Big Step Forward

What a great season!  The Blue Jays scored more than their share of runs and made plenty of outs.

They practiced and honed fundamental skills that will serve them well for as long as they choose to play baseball.

And of course they had lots of fun!

Coach Steve

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