Thursday, May 3, 2012

May 5 & 6 Weekend Preview

The Blue Jays will put their heads together at practice Saturday and devise a game plan for Sunday's tilt with the Cardinals.

The early forecast for this weekend is good.

Practice: Saturday, May 5

5:00 until 6:30 p.m at Burning Tree Elementary School

Practice Plan
  • Last week's game
  • Ground ball contest
  • Fly ball contest
  • Fielding practice with base runners
  • Five and Three Challenge Series!
Game: Sunday, May 6

Blue Jays vs. Cardinals

Arrive 4:30 p.m. at Westland Middle School

Game Coaches and Volunteers

Tom Yu - 1B coach and umpire
Derrick Raymond - 3B coach and umpire
Brian Ferguson - bench coach
Susan Poon - scorekeeper
Connie and James Yoon - post game snacks and drinks

Thanks to all of our coaches and volunteers!

Go Blue Jays!

Last week was fantastic!  Let's have even more fun this weekend!

Coach Steve

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