Saturday, May 5, 2012

Blue Jays go all in on Defense!

After putting in a lot of hard work on defense, the Blue Jays concluded practice with a team cheer that quickly became a flesh pile of epic proportions!

Somewhere in there you will find Gavin Ferguson, Sam Berman, Dylan Yoon, John Wyatt, Braden Poon, George Roggie, Ethan Yu, Ryan Groban, Dylan Edwards, Justin Conner, and Jack Raymond.

May 5 Practice Review

The Blue Jays accomplished much in 90 minutes, including:

  • Stopping very difficult ground balls
  • Moving and setting their feet to catch fly balls
  • Recognizing force outs during infield practice with base runners
  • Making three outs to get off the field and come in and hit
Improvement was evident throughout practice.  Even better, we had fun while working to get better!

Thanks to Tom Yu, Brian Ferguson, Chuck Edwards and James Yoon for carrying equipment and helping out at practice.  Parent participation is key to the Blue Jays' success!

Game - Sunday, May 6

The game day forecast is nearly perfect!

The Blue Jays will play the Cardinals Sunday at 5:00 p.m. at Westland Middle School.  We will be in the field first because we are the home team.

Go Blue Jays!

This game gives the Blue Jays a great opportunity to show what they can do.  We won't see another team like the Cardinals this season.  Let's have fun, do our very best, and continue to demonstrate terrific teamwork and sportsmanship!

Go Blue Jays!

Coach Steve

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