Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 12 & 13 Weekend Preview

The Blue Jays will celebrate Mothers Day Weekend with another fun practice and a game with a familiar opponent.

The early weather forecast is good.

Optional Batting Practice

Some have indicated that they are interested in taking some extra batting practice this Saturday.  We are happy to provide the opportunity!

Optional batting practice will start at 4:30 p.m. and continue until our regularly scheduled practice begins at 5:00.  Everyone who wants to take some extra swings is welcome to join us!

Practice - Saturday, May 12

5:00 until 6:30 p.m.
Burning Tree Elementary School

Practice Plan
  • Ground ball drill
  • Fly ball drill
  • 5/3 Challenge Series!
Game - Sunday, May 13

Blue Jays vs.Tigers (black) - the team we played in our final game last fall

Arrive 2:30 p.m. at Westland Middle School

Game Day Coaches and Volunteers

Tom Yu - 1B coach and umpire
Derrick Raymond - 3B coach and umpire
Trista Robertson - bench coach
Susan Poon - score keeper
Trista and Chris Robertson - post game snacks and drinks

Of course we are always appreciative of those who help behind the scenes - taking photos, helping the catchers put on the gear, etc!

Go Blue Jays!

Let's make Mom proud with another terrific effort this weekend!

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