Saturday, May 12, 2012

Great Practice!

The Blue Jays put in some extra work and had some extra fun at practice Saturday, May 12, at Burning Tree Elementary School.

John Wyatt, Braden Poon, Justin Conner, Sam Berman, Jeremy Robertson, Ethan Yu, Ryan Groban, Charlie Knowles, Jack Raymond, George Roggie and Gavin Ferguson looked great as they prepared for Sunday's game with the Tigers (black).

May 12 Practice Review

The entire team continued to show improvement during the highly challenging ground ball drill.  It seems that fewer balls make their way to the outfield grass each week.  That's the idea!

The squad split into two groups for the fly ball drill.  Some worked on catching infield pop-ups.  Others worked on outfield fly balls - judging where the ball is going, moving their feet to get in position, and then completing the catch.

Finally, everybody participated in an intra squad scrimmage that featured lots of big hits, some very good catches, and no shortage of heads-up fielding and base running plays.

Thanks to Tom Yu, Derrick Raymond, Torsdon Poon, Steve Berman, Fred Knowles and Brian Ferguson for helping out at practice!

Game - Sunday, May 13

The game day forecast remains favorable.

The Blue Jays will play the Tigers (black) Sunday at 3:00 p.m. at Westland Middle School.  We will be in the field first because we are the home team.

Go Blue Jays!

Thanks to all of the Blue Jays Moms who will spend a portion of their Mothers Day at a dusty baseball field!  Let's make them proud by having fun, doing our best, and demonstrating great teamwork and sportsmanship.

Coach Steve

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