Saturday, April 28, 2012

Blue Jays beat the rain at Practice

Starting early made the Blue Jays look really smart!

We had a great turnout for the optional batting session prior to practice Saturday, April 28, at Burning Tree Elementary School.

Charlie Knowles, George Roggie, Justin Conner, Ryan Groban, Ethan Yu, Jeremy Robertson, Sam Berman, John Wyatt, Gavin Ferguson, Dylan Yoon and Jack Raymond did an awesome job until the rain showers arrived and ended practice early.

April 28 Practice Review

The Blue Jays worked on:
  • Being ready to hit as soon as they step to the plate
  • Stopping difficult grounders before the ball gets to the outfield
  • Moving their feet to catch fly balls
Unfortunately, we did not get to scrimmage due to weather.  But we tried!

Thanks to everyone who helped at practice, including Tom Yu, Brian Ferguson, Derrick Raymond, Kevin Conner, Fred Knowles, and James Yoon.

Game - Sunday, April 29

Despite this evening's rain, there is reason to be optimistic about our chances of playing the game tomorrow.

The Blue Jays are scheduled to play the Phillies Sunday at 3:00 p.m. at Westland Middle School.  We will bat first because we are the visiting team.

Go Blue Jays!

Let's continue to have fun, do our best, and demonstrate great teamwork and sportsmanship in tomorrow's game!

Coach Steve

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