Thursday, April 26, 2012

April 28 & 29 Weekend Preview

The Blue Jays are looking forward to getting back to baseball and putting last Sunday's monsoon behind them!

Unlike last week, this week's forecast leaves plenty of room for optimism.

Optional Batting Practice

We were surprised to discover that the fields at Burning Tree were unoccupied prior to our first two practices.  We will make use of the availability with an optional batting practice this Saturday.

We'll get started at 4:30 p.m. and continue to hit until our normal practice begins at 5:00.  Anyone who would like to take some extra hacks against the machine is welcome to join us!

Saturday, April 28 Practice

5:00 until 6:30 p.m. at Burning Tree Elementary School

Practice Plan
  • Warm up toss
  • Ground ball contest
  • Fly ball contest
  • Fielding practice with base runners
  • First World Series Scrimmage
Sunday, April 29 Game

 Blue Jays vs. Phillies

Arrive 2:30 p.m. at Westland Middle School

Game Coaches and Volunteers
  • Tom Yu - 1B coach and umpire
  • Chuck Edwards - 3B coach and umpire
  • Trista Robertson - bench coach
  • Susan Poon - scorekeeper
  • Brian Ferguson - coach
  • Derrick Raymond - coach
  • Richard Wyatt - post game snacks and drinks
Thanks to all of our coaches and volunteers!

Go Blue Jays!

We look forward to having fun, doing our best, and demonstrating great teamwork and sportsmanship this weekend!

Coach Steve

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