Saturday, June 18, 2011

Three for the show at final Practice

Three Blue Jays used the season's last practice to prepare for Sunday's final game and to work on hitting against the pitching machine in anticipation of the move up to the BCC American League next season.

George Roggie, Sam Berman and Ethan Yu took turns whacking pitches from the Blue Flame.

George made consistent contact and worked on swinging hard at every pitch.

Sam applied what he learned last week at Home Run Baseball Camp, turning his hips to generate more power.

Ethan increased his bat speed by moving his hands more quickly through the strike zone.

All three players had fun and did a great job!

Tom Yu helped out in a variety of ways at Saturday's practice. He carried equipment, shagged balls, and added a reliable glove in the infield.

Thank you, Tom!

The Last Hurrah

The Blue Jays will complete the spring season Sunday, June 19 with a makeup game with the Baseball Factory. Game time is 5:00 p.m. Please arrive at 4:30.

Go Blue Jays!

Let's finish the season with lots of fun, great teamwork, terrific sportsmanship, and dry weather!

Coach Steve

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