Sunday, June 26, 2011

Blue Jays fantastic in Father's Day Finale!

The Blue Jays were in championship form in their final game of the season Sunday, June 19, at Pyle Middle School.

What could be more fun than celebrating Father's Day with a terrific game and a post season trophy presentation and baseball cake?

June 19 Game Report

Jake Schuman was the first to the field and hit in the lead-off position. We're happy to report that Jake sustained his grin all the way through the game!

Jake's triple to left field got the Blue Jays off to a hot start in the first inning. He crushed a home run to center field in the second inning. Jake completed an incredible day at the plate with a blistering double to center field in the final inning.

Jake was involved in seven put-outs in the field. He made three unassisted force outs at 3rd base in the third inning.

In the second inning, Jake teamed up with his buddy, George Roggie, to collect four infield assists. In each instance, Jake fielded a grounder at left pitcher's helper and threw to George at 1st base to get the out.

These guys are great teammates!

George gave the Blue Jays their first put-out of the game in the 1st inning. Above, George completes the out, diving and tagging 3rd base just before the runner arrives.

George wielded a powerful bat in the game with the Baseball Factory. Above, he prepares to smack a double to left field in the first inning.

Here, George gets ready to run after he hit a single in the second inning. George then smacked another double in his final at-bat.

Hitting third in the batting order, Aleka Frazier lent some serious run production to the Blue Jays' line-up!

Aleka ripped two solid singles to the left side of the infield and added a third single on a grounder up the middle.

Aleka made an exciting play at 2nd base in the third inning. She stopped a deflected ground ball and hustled to the bag in an attempt to get the force-out. That was a great effort and a very close play!

Braden Poon contributed a fielding gem in the first inning. Playing at left pitcher's helper, Braden backpedaled, maintained his balance and then reached up and grabbed a high fly ball to make an out. Later in the same inning, Braden added another unassisted put out, stopping a grounder and stepping on second base to get the force out.

Braden hit a hot smash to 1st base in his initial trip to the plate. Above, he prepares to uncork a double in the second inning.

Here, Braden reflects on the third inning single that allowed him to visit his dad, Torsdon, who was coaching at 1st base.

William Amorosi, batting fifth in the Blue Jays' line-up, helped his team with three solid singles.

William celebrated the final game of the season by driving in lots of runs and scoring three more of his own!

William did a good job with his glove, too! He made a great play in the first inning, stopping a bouncing ball in right field and returning the ball quickly to the infield.

Ethan Yu made two big plays in the field. Above, Ethan patrols left field in the first inning. He made a great stop on a hard hit and returned the ball to the infield.

Above, Ethan stays alert while handling 2nd base in the second inning. He made another great stop on a ground ball at left shortstop in the third inning.

Ethan also did some damage with the bat. Above, he gets ready to pound a bouncing ball up the middle for a single in the second inning. Ethan also hit safely in the first and third innings.

Sam Berman made quick work of his three at bats. He belted two singles up the middle and a double to left field.

Sam made a great defensive play in center field in the second inning. He moved his feet, got under a high fly ball, and made the grab to get the out! A true student of the game, Sam realized that the runner on 1st base had headed for 2nd base without tagging up. Sam threw a perfect strike to George Roggie at 1st base to complete the double play!

Above, Sam finishes off another fantastic fielding play in the third inning. Playing at left pitcher's helper, he scooped up a slow grounder and, recognizing that the bases were loaded, outran the runner to home plate for an unassisted force out.

Allen Tousi made two outstanding plays in left field in the third inning. In both instances, he stopped well hit bouncing balls and returned the ball to the infield to prevent the runner from advancing.

Above, Allen does an outstanding job at 2nd base in the first inning.

Allen also enjoyed a solid day at the plate. He hit a single to the 3rd baseman in the first inning. He reached 1st base safely on a fielder's choice in both the second and third innings.

Justin Conner came to the game straight from the beach. Not surprisingly, he kicked up a lot of sand with his fantastic hits!

Above, Justin rounds 3rd base and heads for home! His offensive output included two singles and a double.

Justin's fine work in the field included two terrific stops at right pitcher's helper in the first inning.

Teamwork and Sportsmanship

The Blue Jays talked a lot about teamwork this season. The discussion paid off in the game with the Baseball Factory. Together, everyone played really well!

As always, the Blue Jays demonstrated great sportsmanship during the post game handshake.

The Blue Jays celebrated a fun and exciting spring baseball season with trophies and cake!

Thanks for a great season, Blue Jays!


Torsdon Poon coached at 1st base and helped at practices and games throughout the season.

Thanks, Torsdon!

Susan Poon coached at 3rd base in the first inning.

Thanks, Susan!

Kevin Conner delivered some pointers while coaching at 3rd base in the final two innings.

Thanks, Kevin!

Shari Schuman worked behind the scenes to keep the Blue Jays properly aligned in the batting order. Above, Shari watches from the bench as Justin Conner prepares to crank another hit.

Thanks, Shari!

Thanks also to Landon Poon for catching all three innings. Unfortunately, we did not get a photo of Landon. The file photo above is from our previous game with the Cubs.

Landon did a similarly outstanding job in our game with the Baseball Factory.

Thanks, Landon!

Top Pops

We do not want to forget that our final game was played on Father's Day.

Happy Father's Day to all Blue Jays' dads!

We'll wrap up this game report with some fabulous fatherly photos.

Sean Frazier

Torsdon Poon

Tom Yu

Mark Amorosi

Steve Berman

Jonathan Schuman

Steve Roggie

Kevin Conner

Thanks to all Blue Jays families for a terrific season!

Go Blue Jays!

Coach Steve

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