Sunday, May 8, 2011

Blue Jays treat Moms to great game with Phillies

The Blue Jays gave their moms many reasons to be proud in the game with the Phillies Sunday, May 8 at Pyle Middle School.

This was a well played, closely contested game that featured two outstanding teams.

We were very pleased with how well the team played. More importantly, we were very proud of the teamwork and sportsmanship that everyone displayed before, during and after the game.

Well done, Blue Jays!

Mothers' Day Line-up

John Wyatt is all smiles when he hits in the lead-off spot. His mom, Kristina Wyatt, came through again for John, getting him to the field first so that he could bat first in the order.

John was ready to set the table in each inning for the Blue Jays.

George Roggie was the second player to arrive. His mom, Sarah Roggie, isn't just the general manager of the Blue Jays; she's also the team photographer.

George's sterling play would give Sarah plenty of good reasons to take his picture.

Sam Berman occupied the third spot in the Blue Jays' line-up. We suspect that Sam's fearlessness is derived at least in part from his mother, Nicole Fradette Berman.

Sam was fully prepared to put on another fabulous performance for the Blue Jays.

William Amorosi claimed the clean-up spot in the batting order. The sporty son of Sharon Amorosi would prove to be equal to the task.

William put on his game face prior to the first pitch and kept it intact throughout the game.

Braden Poon warmed up with a purpose prior to the game with the Phillies. The son of Susan Poon planned to provide some power from the fifth spot in the batting order.

Braden was ready to deliver!

Hitting in the number six spot, Jeremy Robertson knew that he would have opportunities to drive in runs for his team. The smiley son of Trista Robertson displayed his typical enthusiasm during pregame warm-ups and during the game.

Jeremy was primed for a big day.

After getting back into the swing of things last week, Justin Conner worked hard so that he could have a great game this week. The son of Dina Zupnik proudly announced that he had been practicing on his own.

Justin was ready to prove that whoever said that practice makes perfect was absolutely correct.

Jake Schuman hoped to visit his mom frequently during the game with the Phillies. That's because Shari Schuman stepped up and offered to coach at third base.

Mother and son would not be disappointed!

May 8 Game Report

The Blue Jays started the game in the field. Jake Schuman immediately demonstrated some defensive wizardry that is not often seen in the BCC National League!

Playing at 3rd base, Jake logged an unassisted double play when he caught a fly ball and tagged out the runner who had forgotten to tag up.

A few plays later, Jake snagged a tough grounder and stepped on 3rd base to get the force out.

Jake handled 3rd base again in the second inning. He fielded another difficult grounder and stepped on the bag to get the force out. In the third inning, Jake snared a grounder at the left pitcher's helper position and tagged out the runner who was heading for 3rd base.

Jake accounted for five outs in the game with the Phillies. Amazing!

Jeremy Robertson played a key role in the game with the Phillies. Facing a team that had little difficulty hitting the ball to the outfield, Jeremy scrambled to the ball and quickly returned it to the infield on multiple occasions.

His contributions were especially important given the opponent's rather aggressive base running strategy. Jeremy stopped them in their tracks all day long!

Sam Berman put in a fine defensive performance. Playing at shortstop in the first inning, Sam jumped to his right and stopped a bouncing grounder that probably would have been a triple.

Above, Sam accepts congratulations after he made one of the day's best plays. Working at 3rd base in the final inning, Sam hustled to his left and snatched a high fly ball in the air. Sam's unassisted put-out was remarkable!

William Amorosi learned that playing in the outfield is very important when your opponent is a team like the Phillies. He responded splendidly, running hard to get the ball and return it to the infield. William played heads-up baseball all afternoon!

Justin Conner made a play that he could celebrate in the first inning. Playing at right shortstop, Justin calmly grabbed a well hit, sinking line drive to tally the Blue Jays' final put-out of the game's first frame. Justin also did an outstanding job at 2nd base in the third inning.

John Wyatt started the play that would notch the final out of the game for his team. Playing at 2nd base in the final inning, John scooped up a bouncing grounder, gathered himself, and delivered a perfect throw to 1st base that beat the runner by a step.

George Roggie was on the receiving end of John's throw. Once again, George hauled in everything that was thrown near him at 1st base!

Braden Poon made numerous contributions to a terrific team effort in the field. He did an excellent job covering 2nd base and providing a good target for his teammates in the first inning. Later, he demonstrated terrific hustle to field two slow dribblers from the shortstop position in the third inning.

Hit Parade

John Wyatt got the Blue Jays off to a great start offensively. His line drive over the 3rd baseman's head was a harbinger of things to come!

John's fly ball single to left field in the second inning earned him a pat on the head from 1st base coach Kevin Conner.

John put the finishing touch on a perfect day at the plate with a ground ball single to 3rd base in the final inning.

George Roggie believes that warming up with three bats enables him to hit the ball farther. After watching George crush the ball in Sunday's game, we believe him!

George's fly ball in the first inning sailed over the 2nd baseman's head and into center field. He followed it up with a line drive to center field in the second inning.

George's final hit of the day was a line drive that rolled into center field in the third inning. Give that guy some more bats!

Sam Berman unleashed the best hit of his budding baseball career in the first inning. It was a line drive double that went over the left fielder's head.

Sam dished out more punishment with a line drive to center field in the second inning. He finished off an outstanding day at the plate with a liner that got by the 2nd baseman in the third inning.

William Amorosi spent a good portion of Mothers' Day running the bases and driving in runs! His ground ball single to shortstop in the first inning produced his first RBI of the game.

William's second hit was a near carbon copy of the first - a hard grounder that eluded the shortstop. Above, William prepares to run home from third base to score another run for the Blue Jays.

Here, William gets ready to score again following his third hit of the game, a bouncing grounder that hopped past the 1st baseman.

Braden Poon smacked hits to various locations in the game with the Phillies. Like all of the Blue Jays, Braden got off to a hot start, cracking an infield pop-up for a single in the first inning.

Here, Braden gets his wheels in motion on the base paths just moments after he smashed a fly ball to deep left field in the second inning.

Above, Braden warms up prior to his final trip to the batter's box. He finished the day by chopping a hard ground ball to 2nd base.

Jeremy Robertson uncorked a huge grounder to the middle of the infield in the first inning.

Above, Jeremy adjusts his helmet after sending a ground ball single past 2nd base in the second inning. Jeremy put a charge in another grounder for a base hit in the third inning.

Justin Conner kept the momentum going offensively for the Blue Jays. He hustled to first base in the first inning and very nearly beat the fielder to the bag despite losing his shoe. That was one of the more impressive efforts of the day.

Justin got to spend some quality time with his dad following his line drive base hit past the 2nd baseman in the second inning. Justin completed a fine day at the plate with a ground ball single to 2nd base in the final stanza.

Jake Schuman laced a line drive to center field in his first at bat. He then donned a grin that seemed to grow larger after he crushed a ground ball up the middle in the second inning. Jake tied a bow on the Blue Jays' marvelous Mothers' Day performance with a searing line drive to right field on the game's final play.

Afterward, the Blue Jays again demonstrated great sportsmanship, congratulating the Phillies for an exciting and entertaining game.

Helping Hands and All Star Moms

We were very glad to have Torsdon Poon working behind the plate in the first and third innings. Thanks, Torsdon!

Kevin Conner offered sage advice to all of those Blue Jays who visited him at 1st base. We're glad to see that he appears to have enjoyed himself. Well done, Kevin!

Thanks to Josef Robertson for wearing the Blue Jays' colors and for sharing his mommy with us on Mothers' Day!

Trista Robertson did a great job keeping the Blue Jays in the correct batting order and organizing the bench... er, the place where the bench is supposed to be.

Like Trista, many moms took time out on their special day so that they could contribute to the Blue Jays' cause.

Shari Schuman handled 3rd base coaching duties with the appropriate combination of vigor and sportsmanship. We ran when the ball was in the outfield. We stopped when the ball was in the infield. We did not take advantage of overthrows.

Well done, Shari!

Kristina Wyatt took a turn at catcher in the second inning. Trying to catch Coach Steve's pitches is not our idea of a great way to celebrate Mothers' Day, but Kristina handled the job with gusto.

Thanks, Kristina!

Thanks also to Susan Poon for spending part of her Mothers' Day with the Blue Jays!

Susan Reich is the mother of the team mother. She's also George Roggie's grandmother. Thanks for coming to the game, Susan!

Nicole Fradette Berman and husband Steve provided the post game drinks.

Thanks, Berman Family!

Thanks also to the Schuman Family for providing the post game snacks. William, George and John enjoyed the ice cream while Jake accepted congratulations from the coach.

Thanks, Schuman Family!

Great game, Blue Jays!

Thanks to all of our moms for sharing their fantastic kids with us.

Happy Mothers' Day and Go Blue Jays!

Coach Steve

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