Saturday, May 7, 2011

Blue Jays heat up with the Blue Flame!

Six Blue Jays - Ethan Yu, Jake Schuman, John Wyatt, George Roggie, Jeremy Robertson, and Braden Poon - had lots of fun and played very well at practice Saturday, May 7 at Westbrook Elementary.

Flame Thrower

We pulled out the Blue Flame pitching machine and allowed each player to take several hacks. The hits just kept on coming!

May 7 Practice Report

John Wyatt needed little time to heat up his bat. John delivered a hard grounder to left field on his very first pitch! He followed it up by pulling grounders and line drives to the left side of the infield.

John did some great work with the glove, too! He stopped several grounders - which are more like "bouncers" on our practice field - and did a great job covering his bases at the appropriate times.

John ended practice by catching the team's 14th and final fly ball to conclude the pop-up drill. Here, he receives well deserved congratulations from his teammates!

George Roggie generated some serious power during batting practice. He laced two impressive line drives to left field and planted two fly balls in right field. George is becoming one of the Blue Jays' big boppers!

George is always ready to make plays in the field. He contributed multiple catches to the team's total in the pop-up drill. George also stopped some difficult grounders at 1st base and at 2nd base.

Accurate throws are an important part of George's repertoire. Above, he prepares to deliver another well placed dart! This guy is ready for Sunday's game with the Phillies!

Jeremy Robertson continues to make great contact with the bat. He ripped grounders to left field during Saturday's batting practice. Later, he pounded a few bouncing balls up the middle of the field.

Here, Jeremy works on his game face and his ready position in the infield. Jeremy made a terrific stop of a hard grounder at left shortstop during fielding practice.

In this photo, Jeremy attracts the attention of the Blue Jays' cheering section with an outstanding effort during the pop-fly drill. Jeremy is getting his mitt on the ball more consistently every week!

Jake Schuman's big hits kept his teammates busy! Jake learned that bending his knees allows him to deliver line drives to both left field and right field. He seemed to hit the ball harder and harder with every swing!

Jake has good reason to smile with confidence when he's playing in the infield. His handling of difficult grounders is a sight to behold!

Above, Jake prepares to collect another infield assist. Jake's teammates enjoyed watching his smooth moves in the field!

Braden Poon's fundamentally sound approach to hitting served him well in his first batting practice with the pitching machine. Once he got used to the faster pitches, Braden air mailed line drives to the outfield as a matter of course. It's difficult to believe that this guy was out of action for more than a month.

Braden is a cool customer in the field. He contributed generously to the Blue Jays' catch total in the pop-fly drill.

A very cerebral ballplayer, Braden did a great job remembering to cover his base at the appropriate times. We can't wait to see him in action in the game!

Ethan Yu pounded the ball in batting practice again this week. Ethan has done an excellent job of adjusting to the faster pitches, making his swing more compact, and hitting the tar out of the ball! His scorching grounders to left center field and line drives to right field were highlights of this week's practice.

Ethan knows that paying attention to the batter and being ready to stop the ball are keys to playing well in the infield. He put his skills to good use in practice, stopping hard grounders at 2nd base and at left pitcher's helper.

Ethan did a great job during the pop-fly drill, locating the ball in the air and then moving toward it with his mitt up. The more Ethan plays, the more good things he does!

Picture This!

Thanks to Trista Robertson for serving as guest photographer! She took many of the photos that you see here.

Thanks to Josef Robertson for wearing Jeremy's old team shirt and for representing the Blue Jays with gusto!

One of many great things about having Braden back from injury is that he brought his dad with him! True to form, Torsdon Poon was quick to go to work catching and collecting baseballs.

Thanks and welcome back, Torsdon!

Game Time!

Great practice, Blue Jays!

Let's have fun, do our best, and demonstrate terrific teamwork and sportsmanship in our game with the Phillies!

Coach Steve

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