Saturday, April 30, 2011

Blue Jays come out in Force!

Nine Blue Jays had fun preparing for tomorrow's game!

Jeremy Robertson ran the bases with enthusiasm as his teammates practiced making force outs. The Blue Jays know how to field the ball and where to throw it. Good job, kids!

Jeremy also hit the ball with authority today. He hit Coach Steve's pitches and then, after practice, he set the Blue Flame pitching machine on fire!

In the pop fly drill, Jeremy picked the highest goal ever... 20 catches! He had the great honor of making the final catch! Way to work hard, Jeremy!

Aleka Frazier brightened up the practice field today. Aleka caught a pop fly to add to the team's total and came very close to catching several others!

Aleka played 1st, 2nd and 3rd base and really concentrated on making force outs. Good job, Aleka!

Aleka knows what to do when one of her teammates hits a fly ball while she's on base. We love seeing her smart base running as she remembers to tag up! Good thinking Aleka!

Ava Curley helped out the team in several areas today, including letting Aleka borrow her mitt!

Ava fielded numerous ground balls, made strong throws, and ran the bases with fantastic speed.

Ava smiles when she gets into the batter's box because she knows she's about to clobber the ball - or maybe because she likes her new helmet! She doesn't need many pitches to send the ball scurrying through the infield. Great technique Ava!

Ava came so close to catching another pop fly today. The ball bounced off her mitt a couple of times and next week our prediction is it will stay in there! Great focus, Ava!

George Roggie swung a powerful bat during practice. He hit to the outfield every time and turned one smash into a triple! Orioles beware!

George used his golden glove to help build the team's pop fly total.

George loves baseball and it shows. Way to try hard at running, fielding and hitting, George!

Welcome back, Justin Conner! Justin is off the disabled list and ready to play!

Justin has always been a natural at the plate and he is only getting stronger. We look forward to watching the Orioles chase down his line drives tomorrow.

Justin didn't miss a beat when it came to strategy, either. He asked questions and helped call out the force outs. Great job, number 11!

Justin's return helped the Blue Jays reach a new grand total in the pop fly drill. Here he snags a tough one. Great work!

Ethan Yu had a terrific practice! Ethan always works hard and does his best and today he got some well deserved results!

Ethan watched the ball, moved his feet and caught a pop fly during the final drill.! Yeah, Ethan!

After practice, Ethan hit the hardest smashes we've ever seen him hit against the fast pitches of the Blue Flame pitching machine. Go slugger!

Andre Schnider also had a fantastic practice!

Andre hit a smash that looked like a home run. His ball visited the next field and only the quick efforts of his teammates in the field stopped him from charging all the way home.

In the pop fly drill, Andre handled fly balls like they were metal and his mitt was a magnet. He also made some beautiful plays in the field. Watch out Orioles!

Sam Berman can run, throw and hit! Coach Steve was really impressed by his accurate throws to first base and back to the pitcher. He also did a great job calling out the force outs. Let's remember to do that against the Orioles!

Sam Berman is quite a hitter with Coach Steve pitching. After practice, Sam hit even better with the pitching machine!

Sam showed great form during the pop fly drill. It's no surprise the Blue Jays worked together to catch 20 balls with Sam's help.

Jake Schuman is a great fielder. He showed he can even muscle the long throw from third base all the way to first.

Jake looked great at the plate. He belted the ball to left center field his first time up and then next time up he sent the ball into right center field. Way to smash it, Jake!

Jake's great effort didn't stop with his hits. He mastered the base running technique of "tagging up." Great work, Jake!

Jake also helped his teammates rack up 20 catches in the pop fly drill. It is great to see so many Blue Jays working together!

Thank you to Tom Curley for working hard as the Blue Jays catcher. We truly don't know what we'd do without you.

We'll see everyone at 1:30 at Pyle Middle School!

Go Blue Jays!

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