Sunday, October 24, 2010

Blue Jays celebrate a sweet Season!

The Blue Jays' final game began with eleven sweet kids having fun, doing their best and demonstrating great sportsmanship.

It ended with tasty baseball cupcakes. That's a recipe for a delicious end to a sweet fall BCC Baseball season!

The Blue Jays put their heads together, had a great time, and played extremely well in the season ending game with the Tigers Sunday, October 24, at Westbrook Elementary school.

October 24 Game Report

Ethan Yu was a leader of the Blue Jays' offensive attack. He clobbered two hits up the middle and a single to the right side of the infield. Ethan had a flawless 3-for-3 day at the plate!

The ear-to-ear grin tells you all you need to know. Ethan loves to play the game! He did a terrific job running the bases, listening to his coaches, and scoring runs!

In the field, Ethan made two terrific stops at right pitcher's helper in the third inning. He also made a good play on a hard hit grounder at right shortstop in the first inning. His all-around play was outstanding!

Jake Schuman played well at second base and at third base, but he made his best play of the game in right field. Jake stopped a rocket shot and delivered a perfect throw back to the infield. That hit probably should have been a double or a triple. Thanks to Jake's great play, it was only a single!

Jake wielded a powerful bat in the game with the Tigers. He, too, went 3-for-3, banging two hits to the left side and one up the middle. Jake took what he learned in practice and applied it in the game, adding significant power to his swing!

Aleka Frazier came through in a big way for the Blue Jays. She put the bat on the ball solidly in each trip to the plate and reached 1st base safely twice.

Here, Aleka stands ready to run fast at 1st base. This speed demon scored two big runs for her team!

Aleka lined up at right pitcher's helper in the second inning. She made a good stop of a very well hit line drive that took a tough hop right at her feet. We love the way that Aleka plays the game. This young lady is a fearless competitor!

Braden Poon gave the Blue Jays a reliable glove in the field all season long. In Sunday's game, he fielded hard hits at left pitcher's helper and gave his teammates a terrific target at 1st base.

Braden continued to deliver big hits for the Blue Jays. He ripped awesome line drives to the outfield for a single and a double that drove in runs for his team. Braden has always been a good batter. This season he became a power hitting force!

Here, Braden pays careful attention to the batter as he prepares to take off for 2nd base. When running the bases, Braden is both fast and smart. He listens to his coaches and follows directions well. Maybe that's why he scores so many runs!

This is the look of a guy who is serious about baseball. Justin Conner went 3-for-3 in the game with the Tigers. He slammed a terrific bouncer to right field in the first inning. In his later trips to the plate, Justin used his quick feet to beat the throws to 1st base.

Here, Justin prepares to sprint to 2nd base. He finished the season in style, scoring a run in every inning!

Justin became a terrific all-around player this season. Above, he steps on 2nd base to collect an unassisted force out in the first inning. In the third inning, Justin fielded a grounder at left pitcher's helper, sprinted toward home plate and tagged out the runner who was trying to score. You can count on this guy to make big plays with the bat and the glove!

The same is true of Sam Berman. Above, Sam digs in and looks for a pitch that he can crush! Sam's ground ball smash in the second inning went past the 1st baseman and all the way to right field!

Sam made some difficult stops at left pitcher's helper on balls that were hit very hard. He also played well at 1st base, keeping the ball in front of him and stopping bouncing grounders that appeared to be headed to right field. We're pretty sure that this guy wakes up in the morning thinking about baseball!

Jeremy Robertson handled a hard hit to left field with expert precision. He chased down the ball and returned it to the infield in seconds, preventing the runner from getting a double. Jeremy is a perfect fit with the Blue Jays because he always has fun, does his best, and demonstrates great sportsmanship!

Jeremy unloaded three big hits that ranked among his best of the season. His shot to left shortstop in the second inning allowed him to hear the wisdom of 1st base coach Tom Yu. Jeremy had an awesome day offensively, hitting the ball with power and running with impressive speed!

In addition to being disarmingly handsome, Jeremy is a great baseball player whose positive attitude would make any mother proud!

John Wyatt slammed three hits that scattered fielders and drove in runs! Above, John prepares to lay the aluminum to the ball in the first inning. He had a fabulous 3-for-3 day at the plate!

Above, John watches the batter and prepares to sprint home to register another run for the Blue Jays. John crossed the plate twice in a productive afternoon.

John made great stops on two ground balls at right pitcher's helper in the first inning. He also delivered good throws to 1st base. John's fielding improved by leaps and bounds this season. We can't wait to have him back for the Spring 2011 season!

William Amorosi continued to make good contact with the ball. He required very few pitches to hit three solid ground balls to the right side of the infield. William is another player whose hitting improved with every practice and game!

Above, William takes time out to pose for a photograph with his dad, Mark. We really enjoyed having the Amorosi Family on the Blue Jays this season!

George Roggie had a phenomenal day in the field. He grabbed a ground ball and stepped on 1st base for an unassisted out in the first inning. George added two more unassisted outs at 2nd base in the second inning. One required a diving stop and a quick sprint to beat the runner to the base. The speed that George exhibited on that play surely must have come from his mother. George really thinks during the games. In Sunday's game, he called out the force outs for his entire team prior to each play.

George reached 1st base safely twice and scored two runs for his team. Above, George gets some last second advice while he waits for his teammate's hit to drive him to 2nd base. George came to every practice and game, working hard and getting better and better with each catch, throw and swing!

Suzanne Pearl made a great play on the final hit of the game. She stopped a high bouncer in left field and returned the ball to the infield. Suzanne's great play prevented two runs from scoring.

Suzanne also posed for a picture with her dad, Phil, shortly after she pounded a hard ground ball to the right side of the infield. Suzanne's third season with the Blue Jays was a great one!

A Good Catch

Thanks to Sean Frazier for catching in the first and second innings. Above, Sean poses with his beautiful and charmingly spunky daughter, Aleka.

Max Johnson Fraidin, cousin of George Roggie, took over catching duties in the third inning. Much like Coach Steve, Max is a dedicated proponent of plate cleanliness!

Once again, Tom Yu was the Blue Jays' eyes and ears at 1st base. Tom provided helpful support and guidance to the team throughout the fall season. Thanks, Tom!

Somehow, we did not manage to get a picture of Shari Schuman coaching at 3rd base this week. This photo is from last week, when Shari did an outstanding job sending the runners home from third. You'll just have to take our word for it; she did equally well this week!

Throughout this season, Torsdon Poon has done a lot of work for the Blue Jays and received very little credit. That needs to change. Nobody keeps the players organized in the batting order better than Torsdon. His efforts free Sarah to take the photos that you see here, including the one above that features Torsdon and his son, Braden. Thanks, Torsdon!

Thanks to the Poon Family for bringing the post game snacks and the Zupnik/Conner Family for providing the drinks!

The Blue Jays lined up and congratulated the Tigers for a great game that ended a great season.

Then, finally, it was time for cupcakes and the presentation of 2010 BCC Baseball pins!

Let's get Pinned!

Jake Schuman

Sam Berman

William Amorosi

John Wyatt

Jeremy Robertson

Suzanne Pearl

Aleka Frazier

Braden Poon

Ethan Yu

Justin Conner

George Roggie

Thanks for a great Season!

Great season, Blue Jays! We are very proud of everyone for having fun, doing their best, and demonstrating great sportsmanship throughout the entire 2010 fall season.

We can't wait until next season. Neither, it seems, can John Wyatt. His sister, Lily, submitted his entry form and check for spring 2011. Way to go, Lily! We hope that there are many more like you!

Go Blue Jays!

Thanks to everyone for a fabulous fall 2010 season!

Coach Steve

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