Thursday, September 23, 2010

Jeremy Robertson: September 2010

Photo Courtesy of Kristina Wyatt

Photo Courtesy of Kristina Wyatt

Photo Courtesy of Kristina Wyatt

Photo Courtesy of Kristina Wyatt

Photo Courtesy of Kristina Wyatt

Photo Courtesy of Kristina Wyatt


Unknown said...

thank you for this blog! I'm so grateful to see my smiling, happy nephew, Jeremy, in action - fantastic photos!
::deidre americo

Coach Steve Roggie said...

Hi Deidre!

You're very welcome. We love coaching the team and writing the blog. Jeremy is a terrific kid who always has a smile on his face.

He's been a fantastic addition to the Blue Jays. We hope that he stays with the team for many seasons to come!

Thanks for writing!
