Thursday, September 20, 2012

September 22 & 23 Weekend Preview

The season resumes this weekend with practice and a game with a new opponent.

The early forecast is now a carbon copy of opening weekend.  Let's hope for better timing this Saturday.

Saturday Practice

4:30 until 6:00 p.m.
Optional batting practice 6:00 p.m.
Westmoreland Hills Park

Practice Plan
  • Warm-up toss, quick throw, grounders*
  • Reminder of team goal
  • 5-4-3 ground balls
  • 6-4-3 ground balls
  • 4-6-3 ground balls
  • Infield practice with base runners
  • 5-out scrimmage**
  • Optional batting practice @ 6pm
 *Parent participation is encouraged.
**Parent outfielders are welcome.

Sunday Game

Blue Jays vs. Cubs
Arrive 12:30 p.m. Tilden Middle School
Optional Batting Practice 12:00 noon

Game Day Coaches and Volunteers

Tom Yu - 1B coach and umpire
Chuck Edwards - 3B coach and umpire
Trista Robertson - bench coach
Susan Poon - scorekeeper
Diane & Chuck Edwards - snacks
Lisa & Andrew Lang - drinks

Thanks to all of this week's coaches and volunteers!

Go Blue Jays!

Coach Steve

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