Monday, September 24, 2012

Just Rewards

Hard work and dedication paid off for the Blue Jays in their game with the Cubs Sunday, September 23, at Tilden Middle School.

Jaden Smith, Dylan Edwards, Jake Lang, Charlie Knowles, Ethan Yu, Jack Raymond, Sam Berman, Gavin Ferguson, John Wyatt, Dylan Yoon, Jeremy Robertson, Braden Poon and George Roggie converted lots of practice into a sublime performance on game day.

Parents spent the past two weeks delivering players to optional practices, impromptu hitting sessions, soggy batting practices, and extended pregame warm-ups.  They, too, were rewarded with a game that was fun to play AND to watch!

This was a nail-biter that featured two outstanding teams.

The final score was Blue Jays 9, Cubs 8.

September 23 Game Report

A cerebral ball player, Dylan Edwards can be relied upon to position himself at the right place at the right time.  His quick thinking accounted for two huge outs.  Dylan caught an infield popup at the pitcher's helper position to end a scoring threat in the top of the first inning.  He also assisted on the Blue Jays' final put-out of the game, covering 2nd base and snatching a shovel from the shortstop to get a force play in the top of the sixth.

Dylan continued to make great strides at the plate.  He put the ball in play in both of his at-bats, nailing a single up the middle in the fourth inning and smacking a chopper to 1st base in the second.

For the second consecutive game, Jeremy Robertson came up with a huge unassisted put-out when his team really needed it.  Playing at 3rd base in the second inning, Jeremy ranged to his right, backhanded a well hit grounder that was headed down the left field line, and calmly stepped on the bag for a force out.  Jeremy's fantastic play ended the inning and prevented at least one run from scoring.

Jeremy enjoyed an efficient day with the stick, as well.  Above, he prepares to belt a single past the shortstop in the second inning.  His 2-for-2 day also included a hot shot to center field in the bottom of the fourth.

John Wyatt got the Blue Jays' defense going in the top of the first inning.  With two on and none out, John stopped a grounder at 3rd base and stepped on the bag, forcing the runner and notching the first out of the game.

John made a big contribution with the bat in the bottom of the first.  His RBI grounder to the pitcher's helper capped a three run rally that set the tone for a terrific team effort that would continue throughout the afternoon.

Jack Raymond checked in with a base hit in the bottom of the second inning.  He dipped down for a pitch at the knees and laced a line drive over the shortstop and into left field.  Jack's beautiful hit was an appropriate reward for the extra time that he has invested to develop his hitting mechanics.

Jack gives the Blue Jays a dependable option at multiple infield positions.  Above, he mans the pitcher's helper spot in the fifth inning.  Jack also embraces every opportunity to take a turn behind the plate.  He did a great job at catcher in the top of the first.

Above, Sam Berman hustles to 1st base on his way to a single in the top of the first.  As it turns out, he was merely warming up.  Sam would later smack two home runs to left field, score three runs, and collect a team high four RBI in a superb 3-for-3 day.

Sam managed to follow up his fabulous season opening defensive game with a performance that was even better.  He caught two fly balls and a line drive to notch unassisted put-outs at shortstop.  He fielded two grounders and threw to 2nd for force outs in the third inning.  Then, in the fifth inning, he collected two more infield assists.  In all, Sam played a role in half of his team's 14 put-outs!

Braden Poon played some shut-down defense of his own at shortstop.  He fielded tough grounders and flipped the ball to 2nd base for force outs in the fourth and sixth innings.  Braden put the clamps on a rally in the final stanza, moving his feet and catching an infield popup to register the first out of the sixth.

Offensively, Braden delivered two extra-base hits from the cleanup spot in the batting order.  His double in the bottom of the first drove in the game's first two runs.  In the fifth inning, he smacked another two-base hit and scored the final and decisive run.

Jaden Smith provided heady play and a sure glove at 2nd base.  He accounted for two infield assists in the third inning.  Jaden then doubled his defensive output in the bottom of the fifth, collecting two tosses from the shortstop to complete force outs at 2nd.

Jaden made solid contact at the plate in the bottom of the fifth.  His ground ball smash put pressure on the defense and required an excellent play by the shortstop to get the out.

Jake Lang bolstered the Blue Jays' defensive efforts with a fine turn at catcher in the fourth inning.  He also played heads-up baseball at pitcher's helper in the top of the second.

Jake kept the opposing infielders busy in his two trips to the plate.  He knocked a bouncer up the middle in the second inning and cracked a high fly ball to the pitcher's helper in the bottom of the fourth.  Jake contributed to his team's 30 balls in play in just 32 plate appearances - an amazing statistic that demonstrates how well everyone is hitting.

Gavin Ferguson continued to crush the ball in Sunday's game.  He pounded a line drive to the shortstop in the second inning and blistered another liner to 2nd base in the fifth.  The fielders made good plays on both occasions, but it's just a matter of time before Gavin hits a blast that finds a hole.

Gavin typically excels at the pitcher's helper position.  The game with the Cubs was no exception.  He nearly made a spectacular play on a difficult-to-judge fly ball that was hit to the opposite side of the pitching machine.  Always one to make good decisions, Gavin held the ball rather than make an ill-advised throw to 1st base.

Dylan Yoon made a sparkling defensive contribution of his own in the fourth inning.  Playing at 2nd base, he covered the bag and caught a quick toss from the shortstop to complete a force out.  Watching Dylan sprint to the base when the ball was hit to the left side of the infield brought a smile to the coach's face.

Offensively, Dylan continued his habit of delivering extra-base hits.  After fouling off several pitches, he lifted a fly ball to right field, rounded 1st base, and used his blinding speed to leg out a double.

Charlie Knowles spent much of his afternoon hustling around the base paths.  His 3-for-3 day included infield singles in the first, third, and fifth innings.  Charlie also tied for team high honors with three runs scored.

A sure-handed 1st baseman, Charlie gloved a grounder and stepped on the bag to notch the first out in the top of the second inning.  Later, he prevented a runner from advancing when he picked an errant throw out of the dirt.

Ethan Yu played a key role on defense.  Playing in right field in the third inning, he stopped one of the game's hardest hits and immediately returned the ball to the infield.  Ethan's sound play was characteristic of his entire team. Limiting the opponent to singles on well hit balls is a huge contribution in a close game.

Ethan continued to crank out base hits at a rapid clip.  He not only belted singles in the third and fifth innings, but also scored a run in the Blue Jays' crucial fifth inning rally.

George Roggie turned in a tremendous offensive performance.  His 3-for-3 day included an infield single in the first inning, a line drive double to right center in the third, and a triple down the right field line in the fifth.  George's two RBI in the bottom of the fifth provided the final margin.

George chipped in with a solid play in left field in the fourth inning, fielding a bouncer and returning the ball to the infield to prevent the runner from advancing.  George also came very close to completing a double play or two at 1st base.

The Cubs proved to be a highly skilled and well coached opponent.  We hope to see them again in future seasons.

After going toe-to-toe for nearly two hours, the teams congratulated each other for a great game.


As always, Tom Yu did a great job coaching and umpiring at 1st base.  His work during warm-ups and at Saturday's practice had much to do with the keen sense of focus that the team displayed throughout the game.

Chuck Edwards had to work quickly to keep up with the action at 3rd base.  It isn't easy to simultaneously advise base runners and make good calls on grounders that hug the foul line.  Chuck did an admirable job.

James Yoon raised his hand when we asked for a volunteer to be our bench coach for Sunday's game.  We hope that he doesn't regret it.  Thanks in part to the able assistance of his wife, Connie, James did a great job and appeared to have come away unscathed.

Susan Poon again wielded the pencil and score book with aplomb.  Among other things, our practice plans are based largely on the trends that we cull from Susan's notes.

Kristina Wyatt was one of many that helped the catcher suit up.  Derrick Raymond often lent a hand, as well.  Thanks also to Brian Ferguson for pounding the stakes into the ground and setting up the bases prior to the game.

Jake Lang's mom and dad, Lisa and Andrew, provided the postgame drinks.  Thanks for volunteering!

Chuck and Diane Edwards provided the snacks.  This, of course, is the most important game day job that any parent can have!

Well Done!

Congratulations, Blue Jays!  This really was a great, fun game in every way.

Let's do it again next week!

Coach Steve

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