Thursday, March 14, 2013

Fingers Crossed for Sunday

The weekend forecast is not exactly promising.  Nevertheless, the Blue Jays plan to practice this Sunday, weather permitting.

For the first time in eight seasons, Coach Steve is not available for practice.  Fortunately, the Blue Jays are a team of tremendous depth.  Coaches Brian Ferguson, Tom Yu, Fred Knowles, Derrick Raymond and Chris Pernie will lead practice.

They'll get started Sunday, March 17, at 2:00 p.m. at Ayrlawn Park.  Practice will continue until 4:00 p.m.  Brian Ferguson will handle weather related announcements.

Tentative Practice Plan
  •  Long toss 60 feet
  • 3B-2B throw, catch, slap tag
  • 3B-2B-1B throw, catch, slap tag
  • 4-6-3, 6-4-3, 5-4-3
  • Cut-off man with base runners*
*This drill requires at least eight players.  Infield practice can be substituted for fewer players.

The continued focus on long range throwing and catching is by design.  We will continue to add elements at our remaining optional practices in March and at our first official practice April 6.

We'll hope for good weather this weekend so that everybody can get out and play.

Go Blue Jays!

Coach Steve

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