Monday, October 1, 2012

Blue Jays take another step Forward

The Blue Jays had fun and competed admirably in their game with the Astros (red) Sunday, September 30, at Tilden Middle School

Jeremy Robertson, Jack Raymond, Gavin Ferguson, Jaden Smith, Dylan Yoon, Charlie Knowles, Sam Berman, John Wyatt, Ethan Yu, Dylan Edwards, Braden Poon, George Roggie, and Jake Lang played well and learned a lot.

The Blue Jays put the bat on the ball and played good defense against the best machine-pitch opponent that we are likely to see.

The final score was Astros 9, Blue Jays 2.

September 30 Game Report

Hits didn't come cheaply against the Astros' slick-fielding defense, but John Wyatt managed to get on base with a blast to left field in the second inning.  John followed up his base hit with a solid grounder to 2nd base in the fourth inning.

John's maiden voyage at 1st base was a rousing success.  He caught a throw from the pitcher's helper to complete a put-out that ended a scoreless bottom half of the second inning.  Later, John returned to his more familiar position at 3rd base, where he fielded a grounder and stepped on the bag for an unassisted force out in the fourth inning.

Jaden Smith proved to be an able lead-off option for the Blue Jays.  After sending a high fly ball to 2nd base in the top of the first inning, Jaden belted a superb base hit through the hole on the left side of the infield in the fourth.

Jaden's efforts at 2nd base make his team strong up the middle.  In Sunday's game, he caught fly balls for outs in the first and third innings.  He also nabbed shovels from the shortstop to get force outs at 2nd in the first and third.  Jaden got the defense going in the fifth inning when he fielded a tricky grounder and flipped to the shortstop for yet another out at 2nd base.

Braden Poon hits the ball hard.  The coach knows this because he took Braden's first inning single on the chin after it ricocheted off the pitching machine.  Braden came back in the fourth inning and slammed another base hit.  Going 2-for-2 at the plate against this particular opponent is quite an accomplishment.

Braden provides a consistent glove and a solid arm at shortstop.  Above, he focuses on the batter prior to catching a fly ball to collect the final out of the fourth inning.  Braden also stopped multiple grounders including a few that took bad hops.

Sam Berman continued his habit of clobbering baseballs.  Above, Sam prepares to lift a fly ball to left center field in the first inning.  Sam whacked a grounder through the hole between shortstop and 3rd base in the top of the fourth.  He then hustled around the bases and scored his team-leading seventh run of the season.

Sam's defense at shortstop is always solid and often spectacular.  He recorded the final out in the bottom of the first, ranging to his right, stopping a ground ball, and flipping to 2nd base for the force out.  Sam caught a fly ball in the third inning and made two great plays in the fifth.  First, he covered the bag and hauled in a shovel from the 2nd baseman for a force out.  Later, he ranged to his right, fielded a grounder, and unleashed a laser across the field to 1st base for the Blue Jays' final out of the game.

Ethan Yu is a reliable cog in the heart of the Blue Jays' offensive lineup.  Batting in the key number three spot, Ethan produced a 2-for-2 batting line that included singles in the first and fourth innings.  On a day when his team was limited to two runs, Ethan managed to score one and drive in another.

Here, Ethan positions himself properly at 3rd base.  He did a great job cutting off a grounder that was headed for the hole in the first inning.  We've been working on that in practice.  Always a good listener, Ethan is learning his position and putting his knowledge to use in the games.

Charlie Knowles arrived for the game with a smile on his face.  A good contact guy, Charlie chopped a grounder to the pitcher's helper in the third inning.  Amazingly, it would be his lone plate appearance of the day.  We're sure that Charlie will have more opportunities next week.

Charlie lent a steady glove at 1st base in the first and third innings.  He did a great job knocking down throws that appeared to be headed out of play.  His stretch and catch in the bottom of the third was a sight to behold.

After lifting a fly ball to the pitcher's helper in the first inning, George Roggie put together a very productive second at bat.  With two on and one out, George scorched a grounder to 2nd base, driving in his team's second and final run.

Above, George prepares to catch a throw from the shortstop to complete an out in the fifth inning.  He also made an unassisted put-out in the bottom of the fourth, fielding a grounder and stepping on the bag for the first out of the frame.  George took his first tour of duty of the season at catcher in the second.

Dylan Yoon sent a ball up the middle for a single in the top of the second inning.  He then lifted a fly ball to right field in the sixth inning that probably would have been good for a double had he hit it versus any other machine-pitch team.

Dylan's infield assist ended a potential rally in the bottom half of the second inning.  Playing at the pitcher's helper position, he scooped up a grounder and threw to 1st base for the third out of the frame.  Dylan also did a great job at 2nd base in the fourth inning.

Jake Lang had no trouble putting his bat on the ball.  First, he knocked a grounder to 3rd base in the bottom of the second.  Later, Jake clubbed a bouncing grounder to right field.  Jake does a great job of putting the ball in play and forcing the defense to get him out.

Jake performed well in the outfield, keeping the ball in front of him and cutting off potential extra-base hits.  He also put in a fine effort at catcher in the bottom of the third inning.

Gavin Ferguson has reason to be happy; he's putting the ball in play as a matter of routine.  Above, Gavin smiles after lifting a fly ball high above the infield in the third inning.  Gavin also smacked a solid grounder to the shortstop in the bottom half of the final frame.

Above, Gavin stands ready at pitcher's helper, where he made an excellent stop on a difficult bouncing ball in the bottom of the fifth inning.  Gavin also turned in a gutsy performance at catcher in the fourth inning.

Jack Raymond continued to make solid progress with the bat in the game with the Astros.  Above, Jack prepares to belt a grounder up the middle in the top of the third inning.  He fouled off several pitches to keep his second at-bat alive in the sixth inning.

Here, Jack pays close attention to the hitter from his position at pitcher's helper.  Jack fielded a grounder on the right side of the infield and delivered an accurate throw to 1st base in the bottom half of the third inning.

Jeremy Robertson put a charge in the ball in his final at bat.  Here, he waits on the pitch before sending a high fly ball to right field.  Jeremy's hit was yet another shot that likely would have gone for extra bases had he been facing a typical machine-pitch defense.

Above, Jeremy stands in ready position at 3rd base, a place where he typically excels, in the second inning.  Jeremy also put in a gritty performance at catcher in the bottom half of the fifth inning.

Dylan Edwards continued to develop his swing, working to consistently come down on the ball.  Dylan's season batting average of .571 demonstrates that his offensive output is improving by leaps and bounds.

Dylan found reason to grin at 2nd base in the bottom half of the second inning.  He also put in a solid effort at pitcher's helper, tracking fly balls and aggressively pursuing grounders in the bottom of the fourth.

Following the game, the Blue Jays congratulated the Astros for a very impressive performance.  This team played the kind of defense that we are working to develop.  Fly balls did not reach the ground.  Solid grounders were converted into relatively easy outs.  The Blue Jays scored just two runs despite striking out only four times.

That's the kind of defense we want to play.

Good People!

Tom Yu instructed the base runners and made great calls on some very close plays at 1st base.

Brian Ferguson provided a voice of encouragement from the 3rd base coaching and umpiring position.

We were very happy to welcome back bench coach Trista Robertson following her one-week sabbatical.

Susan Poon once again kept score.  She also kept good company with interested observer Torsdon Poon.

Richard Wyatt handled the post-game snacks and drinks this week.  Thanks, Richard!

Judging from the scrum above, it seems that the players were enthused by the selection.

John Wyatt's grin is sufficient to speak for everyone.

Good Times!

The action on the field was fast and furious.  The outstanding defensive play by both teams brought spectators to their feet.

Most importantly, it was fun!

Let's do it again next week.

Coach Steve

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