Wednesday, August 29, 2012

September 1-2 Practice Plans

Our practice plans for this weekend are below.

Those who are interested in pitching when we move to kid-pitch are welcome to stay after practice Sunday at Westmoreland Park for our initial pitching clinic.  Parent participation is required because every pitcher will need a catcher.  We will offer pitching clinics periodically throughout the season.

Saturday, September 1

  • Warm-up toss*
  • 2-player quick throw*
  • 2-player grounders*
  • Two tee drill with Coach Yu
  • Base-to-base throw and catch
  • Six-pitch challenge

Sunday, September 2

  • Warm-up toss*
  • 2-player quick throw*
  • 2-player grounders*
  • Base-to-base throw and catch
  • Six-pitch challenge
  • Pitching clinic**
*Parents are invited and encouraged to participate.
**Parent participation is required.

Go Blue Jays!

Coach Steve

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