Thursday, April 19, 2012

April 21 & 22 Weekend Preview

The weather forecast for the weekend is not promising.  However, experience tells us that we should wait and see what actually happens before we make any changes to the schedule.

Please assume that all activities are on unless you receive a cancellation notification from us via email.

Saturday, April 21 Practice

5:00 until 6:30 p.m. at Burning Tree Elementary School

Practice Plan

  • Lessons from last week

  • Ground ball drill

  • Fly ball drill

  • Team fielding and base running

  • Practice swings

  • Scrimmage
Sunday, April 22 Game

Arrive at 12:30 p.m. at Westland Middle School

Game Coaches and Volunteers

Tom Yu - 1B coach and umpire
Chuck Edwards - 3B coach and umpire
Trista Robertson - bench coach
Susan Poon - scorekeeper

Susan & Torsdon Poon - snacks
Diane & Chuck Edwards - drinks

Thanks to all of our coaches and volunteers!

Go Blue Jays!

Let's hope for good weather this weekend so that we can have fun and do our best!

Coach Steve

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