Saturday, September 17, 2011

Blue Jays ready to Play Ball!

Ten Blue Jays enjoyed a fun and productive practice Saturday, September 17, in preparation for Sunday's season opener with the White Sox.

George Roggie, Jeremy Robertson, Ryan Groban, John Wyatt, William Amorosi, Ethan Yu, Jake Schuman, Sam Berman, Braden Poon and Gavin Ferguson worked hard to improve their skills and develop teamwork that will serve them well throughout the season!

We warmed up with grounders, worked on picking up the ball and throwing to 1st base, and practiced getting the ball in quickly from the outfield. The 2nd basemen covered the bag when the ball was hit to the left; the shortstops covered 2nd base when the ball was hit to the right.

We finished practice with an entertaining and closely matched intra-squad scrimmage.

Well done, Blue Jays!

Game Day - Sunday, September 18

The game with the White Sox is Sunday, September 18, at 2:30 p.m. at Bethesda Elementary School. The address is 7600 Arlington Road, Bethesda. Click on the link for a map.

Please arrive at 2:00 p.m. so that we can warm up, establish the batting order, and line up in our fielding positions for the first inning.

Thanks again to Gavin's parents, Brian Ferguson and Audrey Sugimura, for volunteering to bring the post game snacks and drinks this week.

Go Blue Jays!

Let's have fun, do our best, and demonstrate outstanding teamwork and sportsmanship in the season opener!

Coach Steve

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