Saturday, September 24, 2011

Blue Jays flex muscles at Practice

It was a tough crew of nine Blue Jays that practiced in the mud Saturday, September 24 at Whittier Woods Center.

Gavin Ferguson, Jake Schuman, John Wyatt, Ryan Groban, Ethan Yu, George Roggie, Sam Berman, Jeremy Robertson and Braden Poon proved that they do not require great field conditions to have a great practice!

They started with the ten-throw warm-up that is designed to improve throwing accuracy. They worked on hitting the cut-off man during the outfield-in drill. They used the hitting stick to practice making contact with pitches at the belt, shoulders, and knees. They inhaled high pop-ups during the fly ball drill.

We ended practice with a presidential scrimmage. The Washingtons topped the Adams in a hard-fought contest.

Game - Sunday, September 25

The game with the Athletics is Sunday at 1:00 p.m. at Glen Hills Park. The league indicated that the location is in Potomac. However, it appears that the official address is 12511 Circle Drive, Rockville. Click this link for a map.

Please arrive at 12:30 so that we can warm up, establish the batting order, and get set in our positions for the first inning. We will be in the field first because we are the home team.

Thanks again to the Groban Family and the Schuman Family for signing up to bring the snacks and drinks, respectively.

Go Blue Jays!

Let's hope that we don't get any more rain and that we have a fun and exciting game with the Athletics!

Coach Steve

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