Sunday, May 22, 2011

Blue Jays reach warp speed versus Astros

The Blue Jays started out playing well and then got even better in their game with the Astros Sunday, May 22 at Pyle Middle School.

The players belted 28 hits in 33 at bats, drove in lots of runs, and made 14 put-outs in the field. Even better, they did it while having fun, doing their best, and demonstrating great teamwork and sportsmanship!

May 22 Game Report

Braden Poon had a fantastic game in the field and at the plate. Here, Braden patrols 3rd base in the first inning. He delivered the game's first infield assist when he snared a ground ball and threw to John Wyatt at 2nd base for a force out. Braden then nabbed another ground ball and stepped on 3rd to get a second force out.

Braden was terrific with the glove at 1st base in the third inning. He fielded a grounder and beat the runner to the bag for an unassisted put-out. Later, he caught a laser from Jake Schuman to get another out.

Braden enjoyed a very efficient day in the batter's box. He hit solid singles in the first and second innings. His fly ball to left field in the third inning was good for a double.

Great game, Braden!

Justin Conner nearly hit the ball to outer space in the game with the Astros! His line drive to left center field in the first inning cleared the bases!

In the second inning, Justin hit a rocket shot to right center field. Above, Justin rounds 3rd base and heads for home to complete an inside the park home run!

Justin was smooth with the glove in the game's final inning. First, he fielded a ground ball at right pitcher's helper and tagged out the runner who was headed to 1st base. Later, Justin added a second unassisted put-out that was a carbon copy of the first.

This guy had a big day!

The third inning was a great one for the Blue Jays. Ethan Yu made a spectacular play, stopping a well hit ground ball at 2nd base. A very intelligent ball player, Ethan realized that his only opportunity to get an out was at 1st base.

He turned and delivered a perfect throw to 1st. That was an excellent play!

Ethan's work at the plate enabled his team to score lots of runs. He collected an RBI with a solid grounder to 1st base in the first inning. His singles through the infield in the second and third innings drove in even more runs.

That's the way to help your team, Ethan!

Ava Curley swung a consistent bat for the Blue Jays in Sunday's game. She delivered three singles that kept the offensive momentum going for her team.

Once she got on base, this speed demon could not be stopped! Ava hustled around the base paths and scored three big runs.

Here, Ava demonstrates the her outstanding catching technique. She worked hard in the field, backing up plays at left shortstop and in left field and right field.

Ava was terrific!

Sam Berman overcame multiple minor injuries to turn in an outstanding all around performance. Above, Sam completes an unassisted put-out at 1st base after snaring a ground ball that probably should have been a double! Sam also caught a great throw from Jeremy Robertson to complete another put at 1st base.

Sam contributed another out in the second inning. Playing at the left pitcher's helper position, he moved his feet to get under a high fly ball and made the catch to get the out.

Sam also joined the Blue Jays' offensive hit parade. He belted a solid single in each trip to the plate. Sam's ground ball smash to center field in the third inning was particularly impressive.

We're glad to have such a tough player on our team!

John Wyatt is yet another Blue Jay who reached 1st base safely in each at bat. John's three singles included a solid line drive to the shortstop in the second inning.

John has worked very hard at practice and on his own to improve his fielding this season. His dedication paid off in a big way in the game with the Astros.

John made a picture-perfect play at 2nd base to get an out in the first inning. Realizing that there was a force out opportunity at his base, John covered 2nd when the ball was hit to Braden Poon at 3rd base. John then made a great catch on Braden's excellent throw to complete the assisted put-out.

That was beautiful!

Allen Tousi made a great play in right field in the second inning. A high fly ball went over the 1st baseman's head and bounced in fair territory before it rolled into foul territory.

Understanding that the ball was fair, Allen grabbed it and returned it to the infield to hold the runner to a double. That hit might have been a home run if Allen hadn't made such a good play!

Allen delivered solid singles to the left side of the infield in his first two trips to the plate. His consistent contact helped the team complete a strong offensive performance in each inning.

Allen's best hit of the day was a line drive to 3rd base that enabled him to reach on a fielder's choice. Allen scored a run in each inning.

Well done, Allen!

Jake Schuman continued to wield a powerful bat in the game with the Astros. His line drive smash to right center field in the second inning left skid marks in the grass!

Jake collected two big singles and reached 1st base safely on a fielder's choice. Did we mention that he also happens to be an out-making machine in the field?

Playing at 3rd base in the second inning, Jake fielded a grounder and tagged out the runner who was trying to advance.

In the third inning, Jake was a fielding dynamo at left pitcher's helper. He caught a fly ball and completed the unassisted double play when he stepped on 2nd base to get the runner who forgot to tag up. Later, he inhaled a grounder and fired a laser to Braden Poon at 1st base to complete the assisted put-out.

This guy has a golden glove!

Jeremy Robertson had reason to celebrate in the 1st inning. Playing at right pitcher's helper, Jeremy stopped a tough grounder and threw accurately to Sam Berman at 1st base to get the assisted put-out.

Jeremy hit a high fly ball to 3rd base in the final inning. His first two trips to the plate both resulted in solid singles.

Here, Jeremy prepares to kick up some dust on the base paths after he smacked a scorching ground ball to center field.

Jeremy turned in yet another impressive performance!

Suzanne Pearl's powerful bat was a welcome addition to the Blue Jays' line-up. She drove in a run with a hard ground ball to 1st base in the first inning.

Suzanne sent the fielders scampering in the second and third innings with two outstanding infield singles.

The Blue Jays can always count on Suzanne to get difficult ground balls. Above, she tosses the ball back to the infield after stopping a grounder that appeared to be headed for right center field.

Notice that the base runner is returning to 2nd base. He had to do that because Suzanne was so quick to get the ball back to the infield.

Thanks, Suzanne!

We saved George Roggie for last because he made the last two outs on the game's final play. Playing at 3rd base, George caught a sinking infield pop-up. Realizing that the runner at 2nd base had not tagged up, George ran to second and stepped on the bag to complete the unassisted double play!

Once again, George did an outstanding job at 1st base in the second inning. Here, he prepares to throw the ball back to the pitcher after picking the ball out of the dirt. George made terrific catches on some very close plays.

George continued to lay some serious aluminum at the plate. He warmed up with an infield single in the first inning. George then legged out doubles on hot grounders to center field in the second and third innings.

Way to go, George!

Good Game!

Once again demonstrating great sportsmanship, the Blue Jays congratulated the Astros for playing a good, fun game.

Catchers, Base Coaches and Bench Coaches!

It's a good thing that we're moving up to machine pitch next season. Coach Steve's pitching has gotten so bad that we need three catchers just to get through a game!

Steve Berman handled this daunting task in the first inning.

Thanks, Steve!

Chris Robertson took over catching duties in the second inning.

The bad news is that we did not get a picture of him. The good news is that we can use the file photograph above. That's Chris and his wife, Trista.

Stepping into the closer role, Tom Yu finished off the third inning without allowing anything to get by him.

Tom also helped us keep the proper batting order in the first inning.

Thanks again, Tom!

Trista Robertson kept the Blue Jays' bench in order just as she has all season long. Fortunately, she can turn to Josef Robertson whenever she needs assistance.

Susan Poon was a fabulous addition to the Blue Jays' coaching brain trust. She handled 3rd base coaching duties for all three innings.

Thank you, Susan!

Kevin Conner reprised his role as 1st base coach in the game with the Astros. As always, Kevin offered valuable support and congratulations to the players.

Thanks again, Kevin!

Thanks also to the Yu Family for bringing the post game snacks and drinks. Ethan appears to have been very proud of the selections!

Great game, Blue Jays!

We hope that you all get to eat, drink, and be merry with family and friends this Memorial Day Weekend!

The Blue Jays will get back to baseball at practice Saturday, June 4 so that we can prepare for our game the next day with the Cubs.

Go Blue Jays!

Coach Steve

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