Sunday, October 28, 2012

Blue Jays deliver fantastic finish to fall Season!

The Blue Jays put a bow on an incredible fall season with a fantastic performance versus the Phillies Saturday, October 27, at Westmoreland Park.

Jaden Smith, Jake Lang, Jack Raymond, Jeremy Robertson, Ethan Yu, George Roggie, Sam Berman, Charlie Knowles, John Wyatt and Gavin Ferguson worked together to have fun, play well, and demonstrate great teamwork and sportsmanship.

This was an exciting and entertaining season finale for players and spectators.

The final score was Blue Jays 11, Phillies 6.

October 27 Game Report

Jeremy Robertson came through with clutch hits at key moments.  His line drive over the 3rd baseman's head drove in the tying and go-ahead runs in the bottom of the third inning.  He added a single up the middle in the second inning and a rally-extending single in the fourth.  Jeremy's two RBI tied for game high honors.

Jeremy made one of the biggest defensive plays of the game in the top of the sixth inning.  Manning the pitcher's helper position, he aggressively charged a slow roller down the 1st base line, made a clean scoop, and delivered a picture-perfect throw that just edged the runner at 1st base.

Jack Raymond was all business at pitcher's helper in the top half of the first inning.  He fielded a tough grounder up the middle and delivered a good throw to 1st base on a very close play.  In the third inning, Jack stopped a well hit ball in right field and returned it to the infield to prevent a run from scoring.  He also added an impressive turn at catcher in the top of the sixth.

Jack started and finished the Blue Jays' best offensive rally of the game in the bottom half of the fourth inning.  First, he put the ball in play with two strikes, hammering a clean single up the middle that jump started the offense.  After the team batted all the way through the order, Jack came up again and delivered a huge RBI single that ended the inning via the 5-run rule.  Jack's RBI increased the Blue Jays' lead to a margin that they would not relinquish.

Sam Berman eliminated force out opportunities and accelerated rallies with extra-base hits in the fourth and fifth innings.  He accumulated two doubles and a single, reached on a fielder's choice, led the team with three runs scored, and delivered an RBI.  Sam's explosive bat, excellent speed, and perpetual hustle from the number-two spot in the batting order sparked the Blue Jays' offense in this game and throughout the season.

Always aware of the game situation, Sam racked up more put-outs in the season's final contest.  Playing at shortstop in the first and third innings, he turned grounders up the middle into relatively easy outs with great stops and accurate tosses to 1st base.  Sam also caught two fly balls - one at shortstop in the fourth inning and another in left field that robbed the batter of extra bases in the top of the fifth.

Gavin Ferguson contributed three productive at-bats in the game with the Phillies.  He reached on a fielder's choice in both the second and third innings.  Gavin then delivered a hot grounder to 2nd base that drove in a run and extended the deciding 4th inning rally.

Gavin made an excellent stop on a bouncing ball at pitcher's helper in the top of the fifth.  His subsequent throw to 1st base was right on target.  Gavin also played well at pitcher's helper in the second inning and took a solid turn at catcher in the top of the first.

Jaden Smith was all smiles following his solid single in the fifth, one of two base hits that he collected in the game with the Phillies.  The Blue Jays' fearless lead-off hitter also reached on a fielder's choice in the top of the third.  An offensive catalyst from the first spot in the order, Jaden scored two big runs in Saturday's game.

Jaden's defense solidified the Blue Jays' middle infield positions in this game and throughout the season.  Playing at 2nd base in the fourth inning, he fielded a grounder and flipped the ball to 1st base for an important put-out.  Jaden also looked the part when he filled in at shortstop in the top of the fifth.

Ethan Yu established himself as the Blue Jays' most consistent hitter this season.  He did his thing once again in the season finale, lining singles up the middle in the third, fourth and fifth innings, reaching on a fielder's choice in the first, scoring two runs, and plating two RBI.  As usual, the Blue Jays felt good whenever Ethan stepped to the plate!

Ethan's game in the field was surprisingly uneventful.  He was ready at 3rd base, but the ball never seemed to find him.  Ethan did see plenty of action at catcher - not his favorite task but one that he executes willingly - in the top half of the fifth.

Jake Lang heated up and put his wheels in motion to participate in big rallies in the fourth and fifth innings.  He singled in the fourth, reached on a fielder's choice in the fifth, scored a run, and collected an RBI.  Jake's contributions were essential to the Blue Jays' late game offensive explosion.

Jake handled some tough bouncing grounders at 3rd base in the third, fourth and fifth innings.  He nearly pulled off a great force out on a throw to 2nd base in the top of the fourth.  Jake also took a fine turn at catcher in the top half of the third inning.

Charlie Knowles accepted the challenge of the the clean-up spot in the batting order in the game with the Phillies.  He knocked singles in the third, fourth, and fifth innings, scored two runs, and tied for team honors with two RBI.  Charlie's outstanding hustle down the 1st base line was key to extending innings and keeping the line moving.

Defensively, Charlie was a standout performer at multiple positions.  He collected an assist in the fourth inning, catching a throw from the 2nd baseman to get the out at 1st and end a rally.  Charlie provided a great example of how to stick with a play and get a key out in the top of the third.  Playing at 2nd base, he nearly gloved a line drive that was headed to right field.  The ball fell to the ground, but Charlie alertly picked it up and flipped to 1st in plenty of time to beat the runner.  That was a great play!

George Roggie completed his machine pitch career with an excellent day at the plate.  He clobbered a double to center field in the second inning, crushed solid singles in the third and fourth, scored a run, and delivered an RBI. 

Above, George accepts congratulations after his unassisted put-out on a grounder to 1st base ended the game.  He had already made a similar play in the fifth inning, caught a line drive to register the first out of the game in the top of the first inning, and caught throws at 1st base to notch infield assists in the first, third and sixth.  What a great way to end a terrific season!

John Wyatt embodies the spirit of the Blue Jays.  Unable to play in the last two games of the season due to a bad ankle, John attended the finale and supported his team from the bench.  We look forward to having John back in the lineup in the spring!

The Blue Jays and Phillies congratulated each other after a fast-paced, competitive game.  We enjoyed watching these two very good teams go at it for six innings.

Blue Jays Nation

Indeed, this game kept Blue Jays' fans on the edges of their seats.

Jaden's family was all smiles - and with good reason.

Charlie's extended family made the trek to Westmoreland and obviously enjoyed the show.

Brain Trust

Thanks to Coach Tom Yu for another great season.  Dedicated, ethical, and patient, Tom has worked hard on the team's behalf for five seasons.  We don't know what we would do without him, and we don't want to find out!

Brian Ferguson's steady, positive presence is always appreciated.  Brian did a great job coaching and umpiring at 3rd base, just as he has at many games this season.

Trista Robertson is the glue that holds together the Blue Jays' bench.  Having the best bench coach in the BCC American League is an advantage that should not be underestimated.  And we don't.

The Blue Jays are a team of tremendous depth.  With our excellent scorekeeper out of town this week, Andrew Lang stepped up and demonstrated that he knows how to keep an informative scorecard.  Thanks, Andrew!

Kelli and Tom Yu provided the postgame snacks and drinks this week.  It appears that the selections were well received, as always.

After the game, players and parents had their patience and endurance tested by yet another speech by the coach.  Fortunately, the next elocution is six months away!

Great game and great season, Blue Jays!

Coach Steve

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