Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Summer School Challenge!

As you know, the Blue Jays are preparing to move up to kid-pitch in the near future, possibly as early as Spring 2013.

The transition will be much more fun for everyone if each member of the team is good at fielding.  For that matter, the Fall 2012 machine-pitch season will be more fun, too!

The question, then, is how to define "good at fielding" for eight and nine year old boys.  For our purposes, the five specific skills listed below are a good place to start.
  1. Deliver accurate throws from 60 feet
  2. Catch well-thrown balls from 60 feet
  3. Stop hard grounders that are hit to you
  4. Catch pop-ups within a 10-foot radius of ready position
  5. Immediately recognize and execute force-outs and tag-outs
Every member of the Blue Jays is old enough, strong enough, and alert enough to do these things consistently.  It's now a matter of practice - individually and as a team.

Our optional summer sessions will be geared toward developing these skills prior to the fall season.  We encourage every player to adopt the goals above and to practice at home to achieve them.

Go Blue Jays!

Coach Steve

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