Monday, September 19, 2011

Blue Jays' season opener - why we Practice!

The Blue Jays introduced themselves to the BCC American League with a fantastic performance in the season opener with the White Sox Sunday, September 18 at Bethesda Elementary School.

Jake Schuman, Braden Poon, Jeremy Robertson, Sam Berman, Ethan Yu, Ryan Groban, Gavin Ferguson and George Roggie had lots of fun, played six innings of terrific baseball, and demonstrated outstanding teamwork and sportsmanship.

The Blue Jays worked hard throughout the summer to improve both individually and as a team. Those hot practices paid off on opening day.

The final score was Blue Jays 24, White Sox 0.

September 18 Game Report

Jeremy Robertson picked up where he left off in the spring, making great contact and cracking four terrific singles.

Jeremy scored four runs and contributed two sterling plays with his glove.

He showed that he can handle the 3rd base position with aplomb. Jeremy's consecutive stops of two hard grounders and his good throws to 1st base and 2nd base, respectively, were two of the Blue Jays' many defensive highlights. Jeremy also took a turn at catcher, reported that he loved it, and said that he would like to do it again!

Braden Poon is obviously ready for fall because he was raking all afternoon! Braden hit a double to the outfield in each of his five at-bats. We didn't count RBI, but we're pretty sure that Braden would have been one of the team leaders in that category, as well. Braden also scored three runs, a total that would have been greater had it not been for the league's 5-run per inning rule.

Braden was his typically outstanding self in the field, as well. He collected infield assists at 1st base, handled 2nd base like a pro, and demonstrated promising skills behind the plate at catcher.

Ryan Groban is a marvelous addition to the Blue Jays this season. He demonstrated sound fundamentals at 2nd base throughout the game. Ryan also took a turn at catcher and showed that he knows how to play in full body armor!

Above, Ryan gets ready to run to 2nd base after collecting his first hit as a Blue Jay, a solid single in the first inning. He would go on to score the team's first run of the season! Ryan collected five singles and scored three runs in an auspicious Blue Jays debut.

Gavin Ferguson is another outstanding addition to the Blue Jays' roster. Here, Gavin demonstrates his ready position in warm-ups prior to the game. He proved to be a tough guy, playing all six innings after taking a ball to the face in warm-ups!

Gavin improved with each trip to the batter's box! Here, he establishes a balanced stance that would enable him to crush the ball in the fourth and fifth innings. Gavin delivered two solid singles to the left side of the infield and contributed two runs to the team's total.

The ball exploded off the bat of Sam Berman in the game with the White Sox. Sam hit a triple, two doubles, and two singles in a perfect 5-for-5 day. Because he tended to hit with multiple runners on base, Sam was a team leader in RBI, as well.

A fearless player, Sam agreed to handle catching duties in the first inning. He did a great job!

Sam's wizardry in the field was key to the Blue Jays' defensive efforts. We don't know the number of put-outs that Sam contributed to the cause, but we do know that we enjoyed watching every single one of them!

This guy was on the receiving end of many of Sam's fantastic throws. A very reliable glove man at 1st base, George Roggie teamed up with Sam on the game's final play for a bang-bang put-out that was worthy of the highlight reel!

George also proved to be a hard-nosed catcher in the 5th inning. He had no problem lining up directly behind the hitter and scaring the tar out of his mother!

George collected a double and three singles and reached on a fielder's choice. He led the Blue Jays with five runs scored, crossing home plate safely after each at-bat.

One of the hardest working players on the team, Ethan Yu saw his dedication pay off in a big way in the game with the White Sox. Ethan belted two doubles and two singles, batting in multiple runs and scoring four runs of his own. It is obvious that Ethan has added substantial power to his batting stroke.

Ethan has also demonstrated that he knows how to use his glove. He did a fine job at shortstop in the season opening game.

Tall guys do not typically man the catcher position. But Jake Schuman is not typical. He stepped up, donned the equipment, and took a turn behind the plate! Jake also played well at pitcher's helper and at 3rd base.

Jake handled the lead-off spot in the batting order, smashing three doubles and a single in a very productive day offensively.

Here, Jake jumps on home plate in the process of scoring one of his three runs of the afternoon.

The Blue Jays made us proud by demonstrating outstanding sportsmanship. Here, they congratulate the White Sox, a nice team that had fun and did its best.

Many Thanks!

Thanks to Coach Tom Yu for providing direction to the base runners at 1st base and for doing a great job umpiring at 1st base and 2nd base. Above, Tom surveys the landscape before offering advice to his son, Ethan.

Thanks to Coach Brian Ferguson for offering prescient advice to the runners at 3rd base and for umpiring at 3rd base and home plate. Above, Brian offers instruction to his son, Gavin.

Brian and Audrey Sugimura treated the team to tasty post game snacks and drinks. Above, Audrey holds Clark Roggie, who kindly volunteered to be passed around while looking cute all the while.

The players seem to have been pleased with the selection. The drinks and cookies were especially popular.

Thanks to Steve Berman for keeping the score book while checking up on his beloved Baltimore Ravens. We're sorry about the Ravens' loss, but we're happy to report that Steve's notes are the source of every statistic in this game report.

Could there possibly be a better bat boy than Josef Robertson? We don't think so. Thanks, Josef!

Josef's mom, Trista Robertson, also contributed to the Blue Jays' game day effort. Trista organized the bench and shot many of the photographs that you see here. She also helped Sarah with just about everything that needed to be done.

We did not get a good photo of Susan Poon primarily because she was often the one who was taking pictures for us. That's Susan standing behind Sam.

Gavin Ferguson updated the line score on his own initiative. He completed the task with tremendous precision.

Successful Opener

This was a great effort to start the new season. The Blue Jays had fun, did their best, and demonstrated truly outstanding teamwork and sportsmanship.

Great game, Blue Jays!

Let's do it again next weekend!

Coach Steve

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