Monday, September 26, 2011

Blue Jays display golden gloves vs Athletics

The Blue Jays proved that good teams play good defense in their game with the Athletics Sunday, September 25 at Glen Hills Park.

Jeremy Robertson, John Wyatt, Jake Schuman, George Roggie, Sam Berman, Braden Poon, Ethan Yu, Ryan Groban and Gavin Ferguson served up some diamond gems while having fun and demonstrating great sportsmanship.

The final score was Blue Jays 5, Athletics 0.

The Athletics graciously allowed the Blue Jays to bat in the bottom of the sixth inning even after the outcome had already been determined. We did not add the results of that inning to the final score, but we did use them to calculate the statistics in this game report.

September 25 Game Report

We have spent considerable time this season encouraging the team to handle its own affairs. That is why we were proud when the players, led by George Roggie, organized and executed a team cheer before taking the field in the top of the first inning.

Sam Berman played a key role in the Blue Jays' outstanding defensive effort.

Here, Sam delivers a perfect throw to George Roggie for a put-out at 1st base. Sam collected four infield assists and made big plays in the field throughout the afternoon.

Sam enjoyed a perfect 3-for-3 day at the plate, collecting a single in each at bat.

Always a terror on the base paths, Sam also led the Blue Jays with three runs scored.

Ryan Groban's clutch hitting put the Blue Jays on the scoreboard in the third inning. His single to center field drove in the first two runs of the game. Ryan notched three singles, reached on a fielder's choice, and led the team with three RBI.

Ryan also played heads-up baseball in the field. Here, he gets in ready position at 2nd base.

Ryan was also the first to take a turn behind the plate, doing a great job at catcher in the top of the first inning.

The second of the Blue Jays' catching bookends, John Wyatt donned the gear and did a fantastic job behind the mask in the final inning.

John also did a fine job in the infield. Here, John remains focused on the hitter while manning the shortstop position.

When this guy gets a bat in his hands, it's time to take the small children inside and lock the doors! John collected three singles including a towering smash to left field in the sixth inning. A productive hitter with legitimate power, John drove in two runs for the Blue Jays.

George Roggie's consistent all-around play was essential to the Blue Jays' attack. Above, George sizes up a pitch from the Blue Flame before belting a single in the first inning. George enjoyed a flawless 4-for-4 day and collected an RBI.

Here, George registers one of two runs that he scored on the afternoon.

George's steady glove enabled him to notch two infield assists. Above, he hauls in a throw from Sam Berman. George also added an unassisted put-out at 1st base in the 4th inning.

The Blue Jays can always count on the rangy Jake Schuman for outstanding defensive play.

Above, Jake stands ready at the pitcher's helper position, where he logged two assisted put-outs.

Jake also continued to swing the bat aggressively, an approach that is sure to pay off throughout the season.

Braden Poon was all smiles in warm-ups. His work with the bat would elicit ear-to-ear grins from the gentlemen in blue.

Braden's base hits in the fourth and sixth innings were key to the Blue Jays' offensive efforts late in the game.

Once aboard, this guys knows what to do.

Braden's fleet feet allowed him to round the bags and score two runs.

Ethan Yu was a big run producer for his team. He smacked a single in the fourth inning, reached on a fielder's choice in the sixth, and added two RBI to his impressive total for the season.

Ethan continued to demonstrate fine skills in the infield. Here, he prepares to pounce on the ball at 3rd base.

Ethan promised that he would take a turn at catcher in the game with the Athletics. As you can see in the photo above, he is a man of his word. Ethan excelled behind the plate!

Jeremy Robertson did a great job in the infield. Here, he stands ready while playing the shortstop position.

A hitter who sees the ball extremely well, Jeremy continued to make great contact at the plate. He knocked a base hit in the fourth inning.

Jeremy went on to round the bags and score a run, an accomplishment that he celebrated with appropriate enthusiasm.

Gavin Ferguson continued to refine his swing, making outstanding contact with the baseball in his 5th inning at bat.

An accurate thrower, Gavin demonstrates his solid technique and powerful arm in the photo above.

A hard-nosed player, Gavin is always happy to wear the armor and take a turn behind the plate. He did a great job at catcher in the third inning.

Always good sports, the Blue Jays congratulated the Athletics for a fun and intriguing game. The A's were willing to stick around so that we could hit in the bottom of the sixth inning. We appreciate it!


Thanks to Coach Tom Yu, the best assistant coach in the BCC American League. Tom handled 1st base coaching duties, umpired at 1st base and 2nd base, carried gear, and helped the players warm up.

What would we do without Tom? We don't want to know.

Thanks to Shari Schuman for coaching at 3rd base in the early innings. Shari demonstrated admirable team spirit while umpiring at 3rd base and 2nd base.

She also took a turn helping the players warm up with the hitting stick.

Landon Poon relieved Shari in the late innings. Landon's playing experience enabled him to share valuable wisdom with the Blue Jays' base runners.

Thanks to Susan Poon for meticulously keeping the score book. Susan's clear, concise notes are reflected in the statistics that are included in this game report.

Thanks to Jamie and Aaron Groban, Ryan's parents, for supplying the post game snacks. The reviews were highly favorable.

Thanks to Shari and Jonathan Schuman, Jake's parents, for contributing the post game drinks. We also appreciate that Jonathan took a turn holding Clark Roggie, a top prospect in the team's farm system.

Thanks also to Trista Robertson, Jeremy's mom, for organizing the bench, keeping the Blue Jays in their batting order, taking pictures, and generally making life easy for the coaches.

Great Game, Blue Jays!

For a weekend that was supposed to be a washout, we sure had a lot of fun!

We'll see you again next week!

Go Blue Jays!

Coach Steve

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