Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Blue Jays get the bear in game with Cubs

The Blue Jays had lots of fun and played a great game in their match-up with the Cubs Sunday, June 5 at Pyle Middle School.

Each of the ten players who participated did his or her best. The Blue Jays combined to collect ten outs in the field and generate a robust team batting average of .900 (27 for 30).

Although the game report is a bit late, this is a story that is worthy of being told!

June 5 Game Report

Ethan Yu played heads-up baseball all afternoon. Here, Ethan stands ready at 2nd base in the third inning. It was there that he fielded a hot ground ball and alertly stepped on the bag in an attempt to get the force out.

Ethan was a bear at the plate in the game with the Cubs. Above, he prepares to crank a ground ball single to the left shortstop in the first inning.

Above, Ethan advances on the base path after he belted a line drive single to the left shortstop in the second inning. Ethan completed his perfect day at the plate with a bouncing grounder to the right shortstop in the third inning.

Ava Curley wore a determined look as she stepped into the batter's box in the first inning. She then commenced to smacking a ground ball base hit to the left pitcher's helper!

As usual, Ava spent much of the afternoon running the bases. She made sure of that by slugging a line drive single to the left shortstop in the second inning and bouncing a grounder past the 1st baseman in the third inning.

Ava also contributed to the Blue Jays' fantastic day in the field. Above, she maintains a keen focus on the batter from the left shortstop position. Ava made a spectacular play in right field in the first inning, stopping a hard hit and quickly returning the ball to the infield to hold the runner to a single.

Allen Tousi delivered one of the biggest highlights of the game in the first inning. Playing at the right pitcher's helper position, Allen nabbed a hot ground ball, turned, set his feet and delivered a perfect throw to George Roggie at 1st base to get the assisted put-out.

That was awesome!

Allen also did an outstanding job at 2nd base in the second inning.

Wielding a potent bat, Allen contributed to the Blue Jays' outstanding day at the plate. He hit a ground ball single to 2nd base in the first inning, a pop fly single to left shortstop in the second inning, and a pop fly single to right shortstop in the third inning.

Sam Berman put his bat squarely on the baseball in each trip to the plate. Above, he prepares to hit a pop fly infield single in the first inning. He came back in the second inning to rip a fly ball past the 1st baseman.

Sam completed his perfect 3-for-3 day with a fly ball to center field in the final inning.

Sam displayed his usual defensive wizardry in the third inning, catching a fly ball at 1st base to collect an unassisted put-out.

William Amorosi made a great play at right pitcher's helper in the game's final inning. He cleanly fielded a well hit ground ball and delivered an accurate throw to Sam Berman at 1st base.

William needed very few pitches to crush three outstanding hits. His line drive base hit to the left shortstop was a highlight of the top half of the first inning. Above, William prepares to stroke a ground ball down the 3rd base line in the second inning.

Here, William gets ready to run after he bounced a ground ball base hit past the 1st baseman in the third inning.

The Blue Jays can always count on Justin Conner's big bat. He delivered a line drive to the right shortstop in the first inning and a grounder to the 1st baseman in the second inning.

Justin finished the game by bashing a flaming grounder down the first base line in the third inning.

Above, Justin gets ready to track down the ball at 3rd base in the first inning. He contributed a fantastic infield assist in the third inning, stopping a ground ball at right pitcher's helper and delivering a perfect throw to 1st base to get the out.

Braden Poon was on the receiving end of Justin's throw. Braden did a great job catching the ball at 1st base in the third inning and hustling to track down infield grounders from the left pitcher's helper position in the second inning.

Braden used his bat to keep the Cubs busy in the field. He slammed a line drive to right center field in the first inning and followed it up with a liner to center field in the second inning.

Above, Braden spends some quality time with his dad, Torsdon, after bouncing a ground ball past the 2nd baseman in the third inning.

The emergence of Jeremy Robertson as a reliable source of power at the plate has been fun to watch. Above, Jeremy smiles after crushing a line drive past the 3rd baseman in the first inning.

Jeremy launched another line drive - this one went past the 2nd baseman - in the second inning. He completed yet another 3-for-3 day with a bouncing grounder to the right shortstop in the third inning.

Jeremy made an important contribution defensively in the second inning when he stopped a bouncing grounder in center field and quickly delivered the ball back to the infield.

George Roggie established himself as a reliable glove man at 1st base this season. The lefty collected the first two outs of the game in the first inning, stopping back-to-back grounders and stepping on the bag for unassisted put-outs. George earned an assist on the final out of the inning when he caught a dart from right pitcher's helper Allen Tousi.

George had lightning in his bat during the game with the Cubs. His ground ball smash to center field in the first inning and his grounder past the 1st baseman in the third inning were good for singles.

George's line drive to center field in the second inning went for a double.

Jake Schuman's solid singles in the second and third innings gave him ample opportunity to listen to his mother, Shari.

Every baseball player should be so lucky!

Hitting in the lead-off spot, Jake used his powerful swing to get the Blue Jays off to a good start in each inning.

An imposing figure in the field, Jake continued to collect put-outs at a rapid clip. Playing at left pitcher's helper in the first inning, he tagged out a runner who was trying to advance. Playing at 3rd base in the second inning, Jake logged two more unassisted put-outs by fielding grounders and stepping on the base to force the runners.

For good measure, Jake caught a fly ball and tagged out a runner who failed to tag up. That's an unassisted double play!

The Blue Jays capped a perfect day by congratulating the Cubs for a fun and exciting game!

With a Little Help from Our Friends

Thanks to everyone who lent a hand during the game with the Cubs. We needed and appreciated your help!

Shari Schuman kept the Blue Jays pointed in the right direction. She handled 1st base coaching duties all three innings.

The nattily clad Torsdon Poon coached at 3rd base in the 1st inning.

Steve Berman manned the post at 3rd base in the second inning.

We brought in the closer, Nicole Fradette Berman, to handle 3rd base coaching duties in the final inning.

Landon Poon worked behind the plate in the 1st and 2nd innings. Above, Landon gets a good look at his brother's outstanding technique.

Landon was relieved by his mom, Susan Poon, in the third inning.

Trista Robertson kept the Blue Jays aligned in the proper batting order and took detailed notes that enabled us to produce this game report.

Providing ice cream sandwiches after the game, the Amorosi Family earned high marks from the players.

Keeping the water exquisitely cold throughout the game, the Conner-Zupnik Family earned equally high marks from the coach.

Great game, Blue Jays!

We hope to see all of you at our final two practices and games this season.

Coach Steve

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