Friday, June 18, 2021

Blue Jays 21, Giants 6

Mixed emotions ruled the day as the Blue Jays completed a fun, productive, and successful era of baseball on Sunday, June 13, at Fleming Park.

Putting together an outstanding final performance before going their separate ways, the Blue Jays collected an all-time kid-pitch team record 20 hits and struck out just three times over five dominant innings.

The final score was Blue Jays 21, Giants (Locaria) 6.

Batting & Fielding Accomplishments

11 Vinny Guo
  • 3 for 3, 2B, Run, 3 RBI
  • Assisted put-out (1-3)

12 Konnor Huang
  • 4 for 4, (3) 2B, 2 Runs, 3 RBI
  • Assist (1-3)

9 Peter Herdman
  • 2 for 2, HR, Walk, 2 Runs, 3 RBI

7 Henry Goldstein
  • 3 for 3, 2 Runs, 3 RBI

6 Reto Lamparter
  • 3 for 3, 2 Runs, 2 RBI
  • Assisted put-out (1-3)
  • Assist (1-3)

8 Sebastian Bloomberg
  • 3 for 4, 2 Runs, 3 RBI

10 Brendan Wang
  • 1 for 2, Walk, 2 Runs, RBI

4 Brody Gottfried
  • 1 for 2, Walk, 2 Runs, RBI

5 Casper Larosch
  • 0 for 1, FC, 2 Walks, Run, RBI

3 Noah Solovey
  • 0 for 1, 2 Walks, Run

2 Seamus Bain
  • 0 for 1, 2 Walks, 2 Runs, RBI

1 Cuyler Towne
  • 0 for 2, Walk, Run

8 Sebastian Bloomberg
  • 2.0 IP, 3 Runs, 3 Hits, 2 Walks, HBP, 6 K

12 Konnor Huang
  • 2.0 IP, 0 Runs, 1 Hit, 1 HBP, 5 K

5 Casper Larosch
  • 0.2 IP, 1 Run, 0 Hits, 1 Walk, 2 K

6 Reto Lamparter
  • 0.1 IP, 2 Runs, 1 Hit, 1 Walk
Moving On

These guys have worked hard, had fun, and accomplished much over the years.

Developing individual skills and improving together over time, the Blue Jays hit their stride with a 13-2 record over the last two seasons despite being the youngest team in kid-pitch.

They should be proud of their collective accomplishments and excited about their individual baseball adventures to come!

Coach Steve

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Blue Jays 10, Nationals 2

The Blue Jays came up with another solid effort in the rematch with the Nationals on June 6 at Fleming Park.  After jumping out to a big lead, they shifted into cruise control for the remainder of a hot afternoon.

In a workmanlike performance, the Blue Jays put the ball in play consistently and made the routine plays in the field.

The final score was Blue Jays 10, Nationals 2.

Batting & Fielding Notebook

6 Reto Lamparter
  • 2 for 3, 2B, 2 RBI
  • Caught liner for unassisted put-out (3LO)

7 Henry Goldstein
  • 1 for 2, RBI

8 Sebastian Bloomberg
  • 2 for 3, 3B, FC, 2 Runs, 2 RBI
  • Assist on grounder to P (1-3)

1 Cuyler Towne
  • 1 for 2, Walk, Run, 2 RBI
  • Assist on grounder to 2B (4-3) 

2 Seamus Bain
  • 0 for 0, 3 Walks, Run
  • 3 innings at Catcher

11 Vinny Guo
  • 0 for 2, FC, RBI
  • Assist on grounder to P (1-3)

9 Peter Herdman
  • 1 for 1, 2 Walks, Run

12 Konnor Huang
  • 1 for 2, 2B, Walk, Run, RBI
  • 2 unassisted put-outs (3GO, 3GO)
  • 2 assisted put-outs (4-3, 1-3)

3 Noah Solovey
  • 0 for 0, 2 Walks, Run

5 Casper Larosch
  • 1 for 2, FC, Run, RBI

4 Brody Gottfried
  • 1 for 2, FC, RBI

13 Clark Roggie
  • 0 for 2, FC
  • Assisted put-out (1-3)

11 Vinny Guo
  • 2 IP, 1 Run, 4 Hits, 1 Walk, 2 K

8 Sebastian Bloomberg
  • 1 IP, 1 Run, 1 Hit, 2 Walks, 2 K

12 Konnor Huang
  • 2 IP, 0 Runs, 0 Hits, 1 Walk, 5 K
Last Hurrah!

The Blue Jays have one more game to play, a make-up on Sunday, June 13, versus the Giants (Locaria).

Parents will be ready to celebrate a great team and a great season.

Players and coaches can look back on a job well done and look forward to new and exciting baseball adventures to come!

Coach Steve

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Blue Jays 11, Mets 7

In the early going, the Blue Jays appeared to wilt under a hot sun in their rematch with a very determined Mets team on Sunday, May 23, at Fleming Park.

For the first time all season, the top of the order struggled to find its groove.  Batters one through four were retired in order to start the game.  They would eventually bat to a .250 (3 for 12) clip - not exactly a poor performance but also not up to their usual standard.

The rest of the lineup picked them up.  Spots five through twelve combined to bat .667 and reach base eleven times in 15 plate appearances (.733 OBP) with just two strikeouts.

The defense also tightened in the later innings, allowing the Blue Jays to post nine unanswered runs on their way to a satisfying come-from-behind victory.  The final score was Blue Jays 11, Mets 7.

Batting & Fielding Notebook

9 Peter Herdman
  • Legit 2-run homer pictured above
  • 1 for 1, HR, Walk, Run, 2 RBI

7 Henry Goldstein
  • First kid-pitch extra base hit
  • 1 for 2, 2B, FC, Run, RBI

6 Reto Lamparter
  • 2 for 2, Run, 2 RBI
  • Unassisted put-out (F8)
  • Assisted put-out (1-3)

10 Brendan Wang
  • RBI double in photo above
  • 1 for 1, 2B, Walk, 2 Runs, RBI

5 Casper Larosch
  • 1 for 2, Run, RBI

11 Vinny Guo
  • Ignited game-tying rally with double in photo above
  • 1 for 2, 2B, FC, 2 Runs, RBI
  • 2 assisted put-outs (1-3, 1-3)

8 Sebastian Bloomberg
  • Assist (1-3)
  • 1 for 3, 2B, Run, RBI

3 Noah Solovey
  • 0 for 1, HBP

2 Seamus Bain
  • Rally-extending base hit pictured above
  • 1 for 3, Run, RBI

4 Brody Gottfried
  • 1 for 2, Run, RBI

12 Konnor Huang
  • Assisted put-out (1-3)
  • Three assists (1-3, 1-3, 1-3)
  • 1 for 3, 3B, Run, RBI

1 Cuyler Towne
  • 0 for 3

8 Sebastian Bloomberg
  • 2 IP, 2 Runs, 2 Hits, 1 Walk, 1 HBP, 4 K

10 Brendan Wang
  • 5 Runs, 4 Hits, 3 Walks

1 Cuyler Towne
  • 0.1 IP, 0 Runs, 0 Hits, 1 HBP, 1 K

12 Konnor Huang
  • 2 IP, 0 Runs, 1 Hit, 3 K
Break Time!

This was a huge step forward in the team's development.  After winning five games that were only nominally competitive and letting one game get away due to emotional and mental letdown, the Blue Jays pulled together and rallied for a comeback victory versus a quality opponent.

They now get a well deserved break for Memorial Day Weekend.

The month of June will bring the final two games of the season.
